Weren't You Taught About Stranger Danger?

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Saturday, June 27th.

"Girl, bye." Europa giggled, having her phone in her hands as she walked. It was late in the night, and not many people were out. She had her AirPods in on a call with Dione while she went through Instagram.


Europa stifles a laugh, covering her mouth. She flashes her hair out her face, looking up to see where she was heading. "Girl, I'm telling you the science teacher has this weird fetish with knives- Didn't you see how he was like.. Holding the scalpel last week Tuesdayy..?" Europa quips, licking her lips as she rocked her hips side to side, running her fingers through her curly hair.

"....?? .........., .........."

Europa scoffs at what Dione said. "You actin' like you don't get up all in the math and history teachers business when they're like talking, like..." She acknowledges, smacking her lips. Europa could hear Dione sigh heavily on the other line.

"..., ..........., .........!.., ..............?"

"That is true.." Europa trails off, clicking off of Instagram to open messages. "But Y'know, married teachers always act like couples!" She beams, checking her chats with her other three friends.


"Shut up." Europa reopens Instagram, ignoring the millions of messages in her inbox. She hums as a notification on her battery pops up, a groan escaping her pink lips. "Girl, I'll call you like, back.."


"Cause my phones like dying? I'll just spam ring you when it's at a good percentage, and we can have a FaceTime sleepover." The blonde haired teen said slyly, earning a coo from Dione. She heard the other female shuffle in her bed, giggles erupting from her own lips.


"Alright, bye-bye bae, mwah!" Europa grinned, feeling content when Dione returned the virtual smooch. She exhaled lightly, hearing the end call sound. The teen continued to walk on the sidewalk, watching random reels from people she followed. She turned up her phone volume, and small giggles slipped from her mouth as she scrolled from video to video.

Her laughter was cut short when she was flashed- Again. Europa scoffed, flipping her hair out her face. She scanned the video once before skipping past it. They were quite disgusted, but once you're an Instagram user, this is usual.

Europa sighed, switching the story she was watching.

All of a sudden, she was honked at by a familiar car. Startled, Europa let out a yelp.

"Sorry, sorry.." The driver apologized, winding his window down. Europa backed up from the vehicle, a bit uneasy. Her nerves were calmed once she saw who was in the car. "Mx. Earth.." She muttered, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Hello.." Earth whispered, his lips curling upwards into a small, sweet smile. His navy bangs complimented his vitiligo skin tone, his unnaturally ocean blue eyes staring into Europa's hazel glow. He was dressed down, an unfamiliar sweater Europa hadn't seen him in before. The teen cocked her head to the side, clearing her throat. "Uhm.. Did you.. Need something?" She trailed off, shoving her phone into her pink jackets pocket, batting her rather long eyelashes at the adult. Europa bit her cherry toned lips, an unsettling feeling emerging in her gut.

"Oh, no, you were walkin' alone, and since I technically know where you live, I was gon' offer you a ride home; It's getting preeetyy late out anyways." Earth enunciated, flipping back his own hair as he rested his hands on his hip, glancing back at the car behind him. Europa chimed, nodding. "Oh.." The girl mumbles, relaxing her tense shoulders. Earth's smile widened as he seemed to gain Europa's trust.