oneshot number one

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Sam's pov:
I ran to my room tears almost escaping my eyes my eyes were glossy filled with anger and sadness. Katrina broke up with me to get with Brennan why him? Why wasn't it me? She chose him why not me? I loved her she loved me... Well at least I thought... Damnit how could I be this stupid I can never have love take over me again this is always what ends up happening I can't bring this up to Colby he'll.... I don't know but he can't know I'm breaking I've been breaking since highschool Colby helped me until he basically abandoned me for Brennan he ditched me did he not wanna be friends with me anymore? Was that it why doesn't anyone actually wanna stay? What did I do? I just want to die what's the point of living anymore everything is just token from me...well except my fans they loved me at least I loved them back too they ment something to me.

I don't have to worry about someone coming in my room do I everyones gone except well Elton but he was all the way downstairs he would hear the agony if I did it would he?

I got up from my bed and went in my drawer I saw it I forgot to clean it from the last time I used it and that was a week ago I grabbed it and went to my bathroom. I stood at the mirror noticing tears were falling from my eyes making my skin shimmer with tears I put the razor up to my wrist... And cut once,twice.... Until my wrist was filled with blood I was getting dizzy. I could see my hands anymore I stumbled backwards but caught myself with the sink counter.. I stood back up doing the other wrist. I heard my door knob jiggle a little until I heard a voice it was Elton why what he hear I didn't know what to say so I didn't answer I quickly bandaged my wrists and put a hoodie on fiddling with the ends of it. I was staring at the door until a huge knock that's when Elton was pissed but I didn't know why when I heard the door knob jiggle my eyes shit at the door I walked over to the door and slowly unlocked it and opened it.

Elton was cumming with rage and said "DID YOU GO IN THE FUCKING GARAGE AND MESS WITH MY SHIT!" He yelled at me I answered by saying "w-why would I go in there anyway" he said right back with a"BECAUSE YOUR THE ONLY ONE Home WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE A FUCKING GHOST!"yelling at almost the top of his lungs "i-i didn't..." I said him making a face saying it's not very convincing was it because I was stuttering that's probably why he thought I wasn't serious.

He left the room and closed the room as he did I landed on my bed burring my face in a pillow. I was thinking of going to me and Colbys favorite spot... The roof do I slowly got up making way to the roof it was a star-y night tonight it was beautiful I layer on my back looking at the stars it was a little cold but I didn't care it was peaceful up here than my room I stayed up here until I fell asleep.(Sam also made an abandoned video by himself since Colby was gone at Brennans forgetting so he didn't himself and edited the video).

Colbys pov:
I was hanging at Brennans all day forgetting about Sam and that me and him had to make a video today not even realizing that i left sam in a deep hole but i continue to make fun videos with Brennan. I get home around 2AM I tug myself upstairs to see what Sam's doing and I go in his room and I see a hard drive in his computer and his computer is on a video he edited that was just him then I realize that we had to film the video today and he did it himself and if anything did happen to him it would be all my damn fault when I look over at Sam's bed he's gone I frantically run down .stairs to the roommates that are still up and ask them "guys do you know where Sam is?" Corey answered by saying "no and why?" I say "well he's not in his room and his car is here I just wanna know he's here do you know where he is?" Elton added on"I've seen him today but that was only in the morning and I didn't see him leave or anything actually I don't think he ate today" "oh okay" I say running back into his room realizing his windows open I look up at the roof seeing Sam so I climb up slowly not falling and see Sam's asleep so I pick him up bridal style and I climb back through the window and I lay in his bed with him snuggling into my chest. I pull Sam's hood down and see he's bright blonde hair and slowly stroke my fingers through his hair making sure I don't wake him up I hear his soft snore and there adorable I kiss the top of his head feeling his dampened hair making my lips wet as I kiss his head I pull Sam closer to my just looking up and his ceiling and looking around the room seeing his phone I pick Sam's phone up and look through it. I first go to his photos I see most of them are just him in abandoned places he looks to be having fun but not as much fun when I was there. I feel horrible realizing that I just put Sam into a deep hole it's sad.

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