Chapter Three

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Alone with him in the elevator, I keep my eyes firmly on the ground. His masculine scent is intoxicating. We stop briefly on every floor, and Sebastian explains which departments work where. Every division is here, except production—it’s in the smaller building adjacent to this one.

“How come you keep the production here too?” I ask. “Most companies outsource that activity, or move it to a cheaper location, not San Francisco.”

Leaning in to me, he says, “We don’t have large production runs, so the factory itself is small—more like a workshop. Keeping it here is motivating for the employees. Whenever they are frustrated with everyday tasks, all they need is a trip next door. They can see it’s not all numbers. It’s beauty.”

His enthusiasm surprises me. CEOs are usually all about numbers and profits, the core and essence of the company long forgotten. Then again, Sebastian created the company. He is a passionate founder.

Something tells me he is a passionate man in everything he does.

I steel myself, mentally cursing. I can’t lust after Sebastian. I have a no-fraternization clause in my contract. My boss would fire me in a minute if I crossed the line from professional to something more. I can’t afford that. I’m saving for a down payment for my own apartment in New York, which costs an arm and a leg. Owning my own place has been a dream since forever. While I was growing up, Mom always worried about rent and being evicted. When she was alive, the idea of having a place we could call ours seemed like a safe haven. I wish my mom could be around the day I finally have the keys to my very own apartment.

Anyway, a man like Sebastian—with his unbelievable looks and impressive wealth—is not in my league. Not at all.

Our last stop is the first floor. The elevator comes to a halt, and the doors open to reveal a chaos that contrasts starkly with the order above. For one, it’s an open office. Then, everyone wears casual clothing, running around as if their life depends on it. Sketches, energy drinks, and empty pizza boxes clutter the desks.

“This is the creative department,” Sebastian announces as we step out of the elevator. He raises his voice so it’s audible over the background noise of voices, printers, and general madness. “I call it our playground.”

“Brother,” an attractive blonde calls from across the room. She hurries our way, stopping in front of us. She wears a figure-hugging green dress and nude stilettos, which I eye with appreciation.

“You must be Ava,” she says. I answer with a nod. “I’m Pippa.”

“The creative genius behind everything,” Sebastian supplies.

“Aww, my sweet brother, singing my praises.”

Sebastian puts an affectionate arm around his sister. She fakes pushing him away for a split second, then returns the half hug. Warmth and a little jealously fill me. It must feel wonderful to have such a tight-knit family.

“I wish I could stay longer with you two, but I need to get about a million things done. Ava, let me know if Sebastian doesn’t treat you right. I’ll kick his ass.”

“He’s been very nice so far,” I say. Sebastian chuckles at my emphasis on nice. “He’s even taking me to lunch.”

“Well, you two have fun.” She takes off, heading back to her desk.

As my eyes follow her gorgeous stilettos, I realize the room has quieted down. Most people are behind their desks now, throwing furtive glances at Sebastian. Thanks to this newly created order, I notice the jewelry holders scattered on the desks throughout the room. They hold different things from raw gemstones to finished necklaces, bracelets, or earrings.

“This is so interesting,” I say, as we pass through the desks. “Can I see the production workshop, too?”

“We can do that another day if we want to get lunch.”


I come to a stop in front of an empty desk, pointing to the necklace on the holder. “This ruby is beautiful.” Sebastian merely gives me a tight, uncomfortable nod, but I lean over the desk, closer to the gemstone, and continue. “I’ve worked with luxury goods companies before. However, gemstones and diamonds are magic. There is something so pristine about them, so pure.”

I catch Sebastian staring at me. His gaze is filled with disbelief, of all things. “They don’t look like this when they’re dug up. They must be polished first.”

Straightening up, I shrug. “Everything needs work and polishing to shine.”

“We agree on that.” He steps right behind me, his proximity making it impossible to gather my faculties. In these blissful seconds, all I’m able to do is feel—soak up all the things he exudes: power, masculinity, and something else I can’t pinpoint. Maybe it’s his commanding presence, but I feel safe around him.

“Rubies are my favorite,” I continue. “When I was little, I was convinced fire was in them.”

“You’re not alone. There are ancient legends and stories in which people believed there was fire in rubies.”

“There is a bit of fire in everything and everyone,” I say.

Sebastian lets out a sharp breath. Feeling the hot air at my nape weakens my knees, so I turn around. Big mistake. His gaze smolders. Biting my lower lip, I force myself to break eye contact. As we head back inside the elevator, I ask, “Why is everyone down here so stressed out?”

“We have a small collection presentation in two weeks for our international buyers.”

Frowning, I inquire, “Don’t they receive catalogs?”

“They do, but inviting them over for a private presentation makes them feel special. Also, we have more negotiating power if we bring them to our territory.”

“Smart,” I admit.

“It’s good you’ll be here for the presentation. It’s nowhere near as elaborate as our big runway shows, but it’ll give you an idea.”

“That’s great.” My job is to set up a more aggressive marketing campaign for the next season, which will culminate with one of the Bennett runway shows. They’re so famous they often attract more press than fashion mogul shows.

“You’ll love the show.” We only travel for a few seconds in the elevator; and when the doors open, we step out in an underground garage. “Rubies are the focus.”

“Will you be there?” I make sure to keep my distance as I walk alongside him.

“I haven’t attended shows in years. Neither the big ones nor the ones for buyers. Reporters are always milling around. They’re like hawks when they see me. I’m not much of a front man.”

That is true. Business magazines regularly showcase Bennett Enterprises as a poster child for the most successful American companies. I did my research before I came here, reading everything that’s been written about them. Sebastian leaves interviews and editorials to his siblings. Nevertheless, that doesn’t keep magazines from mentioning him.

“I avoid the spotlight. Thankfully, most of my brothers like it. Blake and Daniel especially enjoy it. They’re the party brothers,” he says with a smile and a wink. We come to a halt in front of a black Mercedes, and he opens the door for me. Such a gentleman.

“So if Logan is the nice brother, Blake and Daniel are the party brothers, which brother are you?”

The sexy one, a voice in my mind says. That’s not fair to the other brothers. From what I’ve seen in magazines, they’re all yummy, but I doubt they’d have the same effect on me.

“You’ll have to find out.”

“I’ve never backed away from a challenge.” I hold my chin high.

Sebastian pins me with his gaze, his eyes snapping fire. “Neither have I.”

Oh, my God. Sebastian Bennett is a flirt and I love it. I’m teetering on the brink of dangerous territory.


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