Dawn vs. Scott R.B

735 21 17


Everyone: *happy*

Me: First up, Dawn vs. Scott! Sugar, Ella, you two up next.

Me: Start!

Now heres my strategy, I'm goanna destroy you
Becuase all you say is that aura crap that you spew!
You look someone who came out of Harry Potter!
This battle has know point becuase we know who's goanna win
Cause you look like a mixture of Bridgette and Gwen!
I'm goanna go ahead and grab my bat!
Cause I'm goanna make you suffer while go hunt soem kitchen rats

At least I'm not afraid a fish whose missing a tooth!
You're a dirt farmer, I'm an animal sleuth!
You'r right, we all DO know who's gonna be the winner!
I'll give you a hint, it's not the guy who eats rats for dinner!
You're the biggest jerk this game has ever had!
You're not even evil, you're just kind of sad!
We all know who's gonna win, and who's gonna go cry to their pappy!

Bringing up my Pappy will be your biggest mistake!
Lightning gave you the name girl creepy you fake!
Talk is cheap!
So don't think you can defeat me!
I made everyone think you're a thief!
You can't be so go ahead and go loose!
Becuase your nothing but a thorn on my side!

Zoey: That didn't even rhyme.

You stupid brat, nobody likes you!
The people who do just can't get a clue!
I'm the fan favorite, and you're just despised!
You're a loser in a everyone's eyes!
You made it to the final 4 by lying and scheming!
You're karma is non-existant, mine is gleaming!
So think next time before you go against me,
cause I'm as strong as Lightning's chi!

Scott and Dawn: *kisses*

Everyone else: ...

Me: Ok, since there all stunned, you all decide who wins!

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