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~~*~*Graham's P.O.V.

I sat by the living room window and impatiently waited for the mail man. Alex's letter should come any day now. The last time he wrote to me was two months ago. I kicked my feet up on the sofa and thought about what he would say this time. He usually wrote me poems or short little updates on his life and would go on about how French was so difficult. He occasionally threw in some "I miss you"s and described me as this star that he feels he constantly orbits around. It was very generous for him to say those things.

I was about to start a visual arts course at Goldsmiths University, where Alex enrolled for French. I could hardly wait to be reunited with him. He did come to visit me for holidays, but the most we saw each other before he started uni was last summer. I missed how he would practically drag me to the pool in order for me to go swimming. I would suggest that maybe me and him should just take a bath together instead, but he said that I needed to get used to the public. We did eventually take a bath together though and I remembered waking up naked in bed with him the next morning. We should do that more often once I get there.

Year 13 at school had been soooo boring without him. I closed my eyes and thought of year 12. All of the times where we would spend our lunch out on the football field and just only talk affectionate gibberish to each other. I remember his face when I showed him all of the sketches that I made of him (I didn't tell him that they were from the first day we met) and how his hands would stroke the contours of my back. And whenever I felt angsty, I could look forward to his kisses and soothing words.

The sound of an old auto engine made my mind snap back to reality. I lifted my head and saw the mail man place a little envelope inside of the mailbox. A stream of excitement flowed through me and I ran outside. Jerking the mailbox open, I pulled out a little white letter that said "Gra Coxon" in cursive.
I ran inside and ripped the damn thing open. After I quickly climbed the steps to my room, I plopped down on the bed.

Dear Graham,

College is great or collège est magnifique! French has been rewarding and the arts program that they have here would be perfect for you. I can not express how thrilled I am to finally see your cute little face again. Oh, good news! The arrangement for us to become roommates this year proved to be successful. The thought of you, your soft skin, helps me to hang on until you come here. Why can't you just get here already?

Je t'amie (I love you),
Alex xoxo

I reread the letter a million billion times and felt warm tears roll down my cheeks. I kissed his writing and set it on my desk along with drawings and sheet music. I was only three weeks away from Goldsmiths and a new chapter of my life. Uni was a bit intimidating to think about, but at least I would have my love with me. I wiped my eyes with my shirt and went downstairs to watch some telly.

Sitting down on the couch, I brushed my hair out of my face and adjusted my glasses. Who knows what people I will meet or what affect they will have on my life?

I laid my body out on the couch, closed my eyes, and focused my breathing on my chest. I took in deep breaths and that area began to feel tingly the more I concentrated. I could only feel my heart pumping blood to my body. I thought about how that one organ has so much influence on the world. Break it down to tissue and then to cells and then to atoms. All of those atoms created me and the people who I love. I have the power to be whatever I want to be and love whoever I want to love. Alex. Alex Alex Alex. I smiled at the thought of him and my heart-rate sped up. I painted a picture of a vibrant red heart with blue veins that night to give to him once we would settle down in our room. Settle down in each other's arms.

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