Chapter 1

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A gentle breeze caresses my hair, tousling them against my cheeks, sending a sudden warmth through me

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A gentle breeze caresses my hair, tousling them against my cheeks, sending a sudden warmth through me.

I walk down the quiet street of California with a slight smile on my lips. It feels good to recall everything I just experienced moments ago. This is only my third time going to a bar. Honestly, I don't particularly enjoy surrounding myself with a large crowd of people. I prefer to keep to myself and not approach too many individuals. But, I am thankful to my boyfriend, Liam, for always being by my side.

Even though I'm still not comfortable or, more likely, don't like the bar, being with Liam there, dancing in his arms, isn't half bad. He always tells me to try new things, and I know he knows how to find happiness in various experiences. That's why I make an effort to try things with him, even if they're not my cup of tea initially. Liam tells me the same.

I don't even realize when I've already arrived home. I stand there for at least five minutes, I mentally prepare myself for what I know I'm about to face. With a deep breath, I cautiously enter my house. The late hour and the silence indicate that my family is already asleep. I tiptoe to my room and gently close the door behind me.

I grab my phone from my pocket and toss it onto my bed. Just as it lands, I hear a faint crack from the door, causing a sudden panic to surge through me. Slowly, I turn around, only to find my mom standing in the doorway. "Where did you go?"

I remain silent, knowing that I don't have a solid answer to that question. But somehow, she seems to grasp the situation without any explanation. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him!" she shouts, her voice echoing through the room, as if it could wake the entire house. Yet, no one else enters my room.

"Mom, I'm 25. I have every right to make my own decisions," I retort. "And why does everyone in this house hate Liam so much? He's genuinely a good guy, but you all jump to these false assumptions and choose to despise him."

"You must be old enough to make your own decisions, but don't forget, I'm your Mom, I've seen more of the world than you. And you're not just going against your parents, but against everything!" Her stern voice threatens to bring tears to my eyes.

"You all just want to control me! I don't want to be controlled!" My voice cracks as tears stream down my face. I watch as Mom stares at me, her eyes filled with disappointment, before she turns and slams the door behind her.

I collapse onto the bed, feeling utterly shattered. It's been three years since I started dating Liam. But my family still hasn't accepted him. I don't know why, but they always seem to have something negative to say about him, they constantly find fault in his every action.

Suddenly, a notification on my phone grabs my attention, and a smile instantly spreads across my face when I see that it's from Liam.

Suddenly, a notification on my phone grabs my attention, and a smile instantly spreads across my face when I see that it's from Liam

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I quickly adjust my hair and grab my phone before stepping out of the house. As I make my way down the street, I catch sight of Liam standing there. Without hesitation, I run towards him and leap into his arms. Our bodies meet and I can sense his laughter vibrating against me. "Thank you! I'm already in a great mood" His laughter continues as he replies, "Oh! Look, what a perfect boyfriend I am!"

I giggle along with him and he reaches out to hold my hand. We continue walking together until he leads me to a quieter spot. We sit there in silence for a solid five minutes.

Suddenly, I watch as he pulls out a packet of cigarettes, followed by a lighter. My eyes fixate on the sight, observing his every move. He ignites the lighter, bringing the flame to the tip of the cigarette. But then, unexpectedly, he extends it towards me. "You've never tried it. Just give it a shot. I'm sure you'll enjoy it,"

I glance at his hand, holding the cigarette, and then back at him. "Umm, no... I don't want to," I respond.

"Please! Just try it for me. I'm telling you, you'll love it," he urges.

I feel puzzled, unsure of my own feelings and conflicted about whether or not to give it a try. Eventually, I decide to take a chance. I take the cigarette from him, staring at it for a few moments before finally bringing it to my lips. As I inhale the smoke, an unfamiliar sensation fills my chest, something strange and uncomfortable. I quickly remove the cigarette from my lips and release the smoke. Surprisingly, it feels even worse than before. Perhaps it's because it's my first time trying it. Maybe, with a few more attempts, I'll come to enjoy it. After all, Liam told me I'm gonna like it.

I stay there talking with Liam about various things until I realize that it's already been two and a half hours. "Oh no! I'm already late, and it's going to be morning soon. I need to go."

I get up and glance at Liam, who flashes me a smile. "See you tomorrow," he says. I wait for him to offer to walk me home, but he looks just as exhausted as I am. I can't blame him, though. He's been here with me for over two hours. I give him a wave and a smile before making my way back home.

As before, I put in all my effort to enter my home without waking anyone up. However, I'm aware that it's almost time for the Fajr prayer, so my parents will be waking up soon. I walk slowly into my room, being extra careful this time. I'm already so tired, and I have work tomorrow, so I quickly doze off as soon as my body hits the bed.

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