A Wolf's Prey

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The moon shines brightly, casting a light over the forest. The once quiet night is disturbed by a howl, a loud one that echos all throughout the forest and reaches a nearby kingdom. Upon hearing the howl, knights and soldiers ready their weapons, getting on their horses and starting to ride off into the dark forest.

It was finally time, they have been hunting this creature for weeks now, but it always got a way. The king has requested it be brought back alive, nobody knowing why but nobody wanting to question their ruler either. So as the sound of horses hooves running on the leaves is heard, one woman branches off from the large group. She rides off on a seperate path, hoping that splitting up could lead to a bigger chance at finding their prey.

After a long while, the knights retreat, the creature having avoided them once more, but the woman kept her search going. Hours pass as she finds a cave entrance, a soft glow on the inside. As she hops off her mount and takes off her boots for quieter steps, she enters the cave. Her socked feet stepping lightly further and further into the cave.

A couple minutes pass, and she finds a man. He wore a red suit, torn and ruined. He had white hair, slightly dirty. His skin was pale, the light from the small fire shining on him. The woman steps closer, her eyes going wide. She rushes towards the man, taking him in her arms and smiling, glad she was able to find a survivor. The man panics for a little bit before settling in her arms, his head resting on her chest as he blushes a bit.

The two share an embrace for a solid couple of minutes, the woman speaks of how desperate everyone was to find someone taken from them by this beast of the woods. She sits beside the man, finally letting him go as the two have a conversation, enjoying the warmth of his fire.

"So, youre a knight? That has to be interesting." The man says, trying to keep their conversation going. Though the woman starts to notice a bulge in the man's pants, biting her lip and scooting closer, forecefully taking a kiss from the man and pushing him down onto his back before getting in between his legs. "It certainly is.. But right now.. It looks like youre in need of some.. Assistance?" She says as she tugs on the waistband of his pants, pulling them down to reveal his hardon. "W- woah! Dont you think this is too much too soon?!" The man panics once more, blushing intensely.

"Oh please, I live to serve the people of my kingdom~" The woman says seductively, taking his shaft into her hand and stroking him up and down, the man bites his lip to hold back his groans as she leans down, spitting on his cock to lubricate it before stroking again. "How is it sir?~ Are you enjoying having a knight such as myself do this for you?~" She leans down and kisses the tip of his cock, licking up the precum. The man cant respond, simply trying to hold back his groans.

"Ill take that as a yes~" The woman takes off her armor, slowly revealing her breasts before putting his cock in between them, moving her tits up and down his large member to pleasure him. She spits on his cock again, further lubricating it as she moves faster, this continues for a couple minutes before the man leans back further and grits his teeth, bucking his hips and shooting large ropes of cum onto the woman's breasts.

"Ohohohoh!~ Quite the load! Youre so pent up~ I bet you have more to give~" She teases more. But as she speaks the man starts to change, hos clothes start to rip more as he grows in size, hos form changing into that of a werewolf. He stands above her, his knotted cock throbbing above her as he growls.

The beast grabs the woman and pins her to the ground, it inserts its cock into her tight pussy, starting to thrust in and out over and over again, drooling on and licking her face. The woman cant help but moan uncontrollably despite this beast taking advantage of her, she sticks her tongue out as her eyes roll back. "Oooohhhh!!!~" She moans as this creatures beastly cock ravages her. It stands up, picking her up with it and continuing to fuck her like a fleshlight, the woman manages to finally say words rather than unintelligible moans. "Yessss!!~~~ Give me your knot!!~"

The beast pins her back onto the ground, growling and huffing as it thrusts deeper, its knot entering her as it starts to empty its balls into her womb, pulling out after a couple minutes, leaving the knight a complete mess as it pants and licks her, falling asleep on top of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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