Part 2

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Author's pov:

Next day the whole Romano as well as the valencia family left for India in their private jet.

On reaching the place they first went to their hotel to freshen up. After that they left to the address. They reached the house and rang the doorbell.

Evelyn's pov:

I was at home peacefully reading a novel when the doorbell suddenly rang.

" Who could be at this time nonna said she'll be back on by evening" I said to myself.

"Huh no wayyyy now I'll have to talk to people" .

So as u all know I am an introvert not only that I just seriously hate interaction from the bottom of my heart ughhhhh its frustrating sometimes.

So to avoid it I checked the camera to see who it is . Oh goddddd what I'm gonna dooo there are so many people  huhhhh 😨😨😨.

So I just called nonna and told her and she told me not to open the door and not make any noise so that they think   no one is in the house and I just did what she said and they left .

Huh saved today yayyyyy. After that I again got engrossed in my novel.

Isabelle (Nonna's pov):

I was at one of my hotel's due to some problem when my baby called me when I picked up the phone she informed me about tooo many people outside our house ringing the doorbell.

This made me think if it's really what I was thinking so I told her not to open the door nor make any noise so they would leave .

After ending the call I checked the CCTV and my doubt was really true it was them .

I felt tears brimming in my eyes after seeing them after so long.

I know those son's and that idiot husband of mine are gonna do some stupidity to get my attention and that was true when my phone again rang.

It was the manager of another one of my hotel who informed me how someone has booked all the rooms in the hotel and is not allowing anyone to enter the hotel Unless it's me .

These sons and husband of mine are really useless they could have found some other good way but they don't just use their brains.
Huh !

So I unwilling or willing had to go there.
As soon as I stepped out of the car the guards bowed down to me . Being the good person I am I acknowledged them with a slight smile and went inside the hotel when suddenly I was engulfed into a big hug by my grandsons. Huh! Stupid husband, stupid  sons and more stupid grandsons. They thought they'd melt me by hugging me and get my forgiveness so easily.

Only my princess , my daughter-in -laws and my bestfriend are the sane and smart people here.

They think they'll hug me and I would melt into a puddle and forgive them .
A grade stupids !

Suddenly I heard "Nonna are u okay where are u lost. Nonna!" .

"Huh" I said . "We were asking u something nonna but u zoned out are u okay nonna?" Said my grandson Dante.

"Yes I'm okay  don't worry about me  I was just thinking something . Now I want all of you out of here I want to talk to my husband and my son's only." .

"But your daughter-in-laws were also there why are we alone punished in this mama" whined my second eldest son Alfonso.

In return I just glared at him and he just sat back. After that everyone left leaving us 5 alone.

" So what do u want to say " I asked them.

"So I don't know how to start but I wanna say sorry darling I know sorry is not enough for what happened in the past but I swear I regret whatever happened with utmost sincerity baby I just want u to forgive us and plz come back to your original home plz baby" said my husband Salvatore.

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