Zombie Au

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-what will happened if a zombie virus break out-

[This take place in kudrat and you are a student there]

When the virus occurs

Fakri: xleh duk diam, terus cari tempat nak hide daripada orang. Bring you along ( + ayam) because he doesnt trust people anymore. Stock weapon banyak ii

Ayam:Bising. Mengelupur xtentu arah, dia panik semua panik. Terpaksa di"tido"kan oleh fakri supaya xbingitkan orng lain

Naim:Calm others down, definitely a leader kind of vibes. Suruh orang berjaga ii and watch out for any infections around him . Make sure y/n is always beside him

Amir:calm on the outside panic on the inside. Follow naim around because he doesnt know what else to do. Duduk bertepek dgn y/n because he's scare (but wont admitted it)

Kahar:Also finding places to hide. Still use his kapla power to order people around tho. Angkut y/n skali degn dia untuk hide

Hakeem:Nervous breakdown. You have to console him cus he cant even think straight now. Have to be monitored or will act on stupid decisions

Ariz:Already had a plan to run away. Stock on food and weapon in case of anything happened.  Will protect you and cover you in case of infection or attack 

You got hurt/ almost died

Fakri:Got angry at you, marah sbb xjaga diri sendiri. Then be angry at himself because he felt bad. Carry you around as to make sure you dont hurt yourself anymore

Ayam: Got a heart attack because of you. Pimpin you around and help you patch up. Kene maki? Mestiii

Naim:Save you from being attacked.  Help you to patch up and be extra careful now. A bit protective after the attack and watch you closely

Amir:Make sure you okay, check for any infections and clean your wound. Extra protective and didn't leave your side. Also help you walk if your legs got hurt

Kahar:Got scared, he thought he lose you. Muka nak mengamuk but he deeply just worried about you. Dukung you on his back and hide out with you until you get better. Definitely kene marah dgn die

Hakeem:You saved him from being attacked and got injured, he bring you into a hideout to help patch up your wound. Feel bad so he gave you his share of food. Stay beside you until you got better

Ariz:Almost cry when he saw you get hurt, had to make sure you okey multiple time. Be extra protective walking around and dont let you leave his side. Make sure you hold a weapon too, just in case thing happend again.

Imma do a part 2 soon on this

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