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Author's pov

Days passed, and the day had finally arrived for Shanaya to receive her exam results. She woke up with a mix of curiosity, excitement, and fear. But deep down, she felt a sense of happiness, perhaps because she had faith in herself that she would pass with flying colors. As she got out of couch, she noticed parth peacefully sleeping, with his ruffled hair making him look even more handsome. It had been a week of him listening to her, taking care of himself, and respecting her wishes. She was glad and grateful to know this. With a smile on her face, she freshened up and performed her morning prayers with utmost devotion.

 With a smile on her face, she freshened up and performed her morning prayers with utmost devotion

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shanaya's outfit

Since it was still early and the results wouldn't be out yet, Shanaya decided to make breakfast. Once she finished cooking, she walked into the living room and found everyone engaged in casual conversations. Taking a deep breath, she approached them and softly said, "Umm, I-I think my r-results for the entrance exam must have been released..." Just as she finished speaking, Raghav abruptly stood up, surprised, and exclaimed, "WHAT?" Following his reaction, Rekha asked, "Results?" and Isha chimed in, "Oh yes! Today is the day." Isha quickly handed her mobile phone to Shanaya.

The atmosphere suddenly turned serious, and Shanaya was taken aback by their behavior. It seemed like they were no longer the carefree and fun-loving bunch. However, she appreciated this side of the Deshmukh family, knowing that they could also be serious when it mattered. Without wasting a single minute, Shanaya logged into the website and filled in her details.

And then! everyone's expressions changed from curiosity to hope, then to excitement, and finally to pride. The hall was soon filled with laughter, giggles, well-wishes, hugs, and blessings. Shanaya's eyes welled up with warm tears of joy. Her hard work had paid off, and she felt a sense of fulfillment and pride in making her family proud. She looked at everyone around her, their happiness mirrored in her own heart. It was a genuine happiness, unlike the experiences she had with her parents, who had only given her names, mocked her, and made her feel worthless.

As Shanaya was lost in her thoughts, Isha proudly exclaimed, "My baby did it! I am so proud of you, baccha." Rekha added, "kitni khushi ki baat hai! (What a joyous occasion!) May you continue to be successful, my child. We are proud of you."

Raghav, trying to comfort her, said, "Why are you crying, baccha? You know you're in the top 200. Your hard work has not gone in vain. You have the ability to study in the best institutions, not just because we have money, but because you are capable. You possess the knowledge and wisdom that such institutions seek. So, smile."

Shanaya wiped her tears away and smiled, touched by their words. She insisted on touching everyone's feet, despite their attempts to stop her. Then, Rekha spoke with a serious tone, "Where is Shourya? Call Shourya! He has the responsibility of gathering all the necessary documents for Shanaya's admission into a good and reputable institution, doesn't he?" Isha chimed in, "Yes, Mom. But he had an early meeting in Darjeeling. And he would be back till night."

JAAN BAN GAYE(Replaced Bride)Where stories live. Discover now