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chapter 2: ...Ready for it?

"You know you are allowed to talk, right?", Steve whispered

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"You know you are allowed to talk, right?", Steve whispered.

"I am?", the girl mumbled shortly unsure if he was serious or not. Her voice was soft as she spoke those two words. They were neither strong nor confident.

"Of course you are!", Steve couldn't believe that the girl didn't know that people were allowed to talk. Who gave this kid trust issues?

"You can talk whenever you feel like it. Except when someone is talking at the moment, or it's forbidden at that moment." The girl nodded, quietly comprehending that she could talk if she wanted to. That was a trap, wasn't it, she thought to herself. Maybe it was a test from her father. Maybe this was all just an illusion. A simulation and her father was watching somewhere.

It was too much for her. It was like her brain didn't work anymore. She laid down on the couch her face in the pillow. Steve pulled the blanket out, which was lying under the girl, and tugged her in. It's okay, we can talk tomorrow about it! Or I will talk, and you will listen. It's your decision. Good night, try to sleep the next few hours.", Steve stood up and walked up the stairs to his own bed. Even though he told the girl to sleep, he didn't sleep at all. He tried to fit the pieces together. Trying to understand the little girl. Trying to figure out how he could find more about her out. At that point, he wondered if it was even necessary to call her parents. They didn't seem trustworthy in that parenting thing. But neither was he. He should listen to himself and try to sleep. Maybe tomorrow he will see the world with different eyes. He closed his eyes turning in his bed. But he still couldn't shut his brain down.

Just like the girl who lay downstairs. Her brain didn't want to stop working either. She tried to figure out if this was real or just a simulation, one of her father's sick games. It must be real. Her father's technology was good without a doubt. But it wasn't great.

It was real, she thought to herself, it's all real. Steve was real, this house was real, the forest was real the whole city was real. At least she had one point covered. The only thing that bothered her, was the fact that her mission was real too. The dream was the clue. Her own reminder of her real mission. Why she was here in the first place. It wasn't her father. It was her. No one was here to tell her what to do. But that also meant that no one could stop her from talking. It's been years since she talked fully free whenever she wanted. She didn't count her question, since she wasn't completely free.


She had drawn up her legs. Her arms were wrapped around them, and she was resting her chin on her knees. Her blonde hair fell into her face. Her eyes stared into space. The pale skin on her face looked whiter than usual. Everything around her eyes was dark. It didn't look healthy at all.

Her hands let go of her legs and she turned her palms up. She watched her hands and cried out in panic. The ink with which she drew stars on her palms has disintegrated slightly and black streaks have formed over her complete hand. However, it looked as if it was a kind of picture. It showed a kind of face, but it had no eyes just small crosses. She was just imagining it. She knew it, but she still tried to get the color off her hands.

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