First day of school

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My alarm goes off. I get up out of bed and get ready for school. I'm wearing a black pair of loose jeans that sit on my hips and a white vest with a lace trim. I'm nervous for today. I do my hair and makeup and then go wake up my brother.

My parents work at a firm together and they are always working but it's ok because I'm never alone since Gabriel is always with me. Last year when I was having a hard time, him and I got really close. He finally got out of that annoying yapping phase, where he told my parents everything.

I make breakfast for him and I. Some eggs on toast. Gabriel comes downstairs dressed like he is going to rob a bank... "what are you wearing?!?" He looks at me like I'm dressed like the funny one " what do you mean I look great" he said confidently. "I'm not taking you to school looking like that go change" he looks annoyed but idc it's his first day of high school I'm doing him a favor. " fine I'll change" he turns around and goes change. As I'm eating I go on my phone. Christopher followed me and I followed him back. By the time I'm done eating Gabriel comes down the stairs. He is wearing blue baggy jeans and a crew neck. "Much better" I say. " ok let's go, grab you bag" I told him and he went to get his stuff. Gabriel and I got into the car and we drove to school.

I dropped him off then I went to go find parking. As I'm walking from my parking to the main entrance of my high school I feel so alone. Everyone is hanging out with their friends and boyfriends and well currently I have no friends or a bf.

I get to my first lesson, I have art with Mr.Matthew, Mr Matthew is a strict but funny a teacher. He's bald and has glasses. I walk into the art room and sit down in the back left corner. The class room starts filling up since the bell rang but the seat beside me is free. 5 minutes into this lesson a boy walks in. He is new. He is cute. He is sitting next to me?!? This boy is walking up to me with a cute smile. "Hey" he says. "Hi" I smile. He sits down and I just work on my task. Thirty minutes later the boy starts conversation with me. "I'm Alex, Alex Henderson and you are?"he ask politely. I look at him "hi I'm Nicole Anderson" I responded. He says "Nicole Anderson I'll make sure I remember that" in a sweet voice with a smirk.

Time skip

First and second period are over and now we have break time. I'm walking to the cafeteria and grab some food Jane and Miles walk in and find their group. I walk past their table to go sit on the one next to them. As I sit down Jane looks for at me and then to Miles. She starts waving indicating that I should come over to them. But suddenly someone appears in front of me. New cute boy. He sits down and smiles. I look at Jane and give her a it's ok glance. She winks and raises her eyebrows. I turn my head back to Alex. "Hey" he says with a smile. "Hi" I smile back. We start talking. He is a military kid. Constantly moving and stuff, must suck. I told him about my brother and he says he has a sister but she is not in high school yet.

The bell rings, I have English maths now. I hate maths. I walk into class and see Mrs.Brown she's a very nice lady, I just don't enjoy her lessons. I look around to see who is in this class one of Miles and Janes friends are, I sit by him. "Hey, Nicole right?" He asks. I smile "yes Nicole, you are?" I question. "Bruce" he nods and the teacher starts talking so we turn our head in the direction of the white board. We have to make a presentation about the subtopics to our main topic and I'm partnered up with Bruce.

Class is over I'm walking out the room next to Bruce discussing when we should meet up. "So Wednesday after school?" He asks, "Wednesday is great, should we meet at the library or somewhere else" he thinks for a second "library works" I nod my head in agreement and then check what I have for my next lesson. "Bye Bruce" I say walking away from him. "Bye, see you Wednesday". I have Spanish now.

Time skip to second break

This time I sit with Jane and the group. Chris isn't here though. We are all talking. I'm sitting next to Ally and Bruce. Jason next to Jane and Miles next to him. They are so nice. "I heard someone is planing a back to school party this weekend, I think it's Luke Jacobs" Jason says excitedly. " Ooooo we should definitely all go, it would be so fun. Nicole you have to come!" Jane says. "I'll see" I say. I'm not so sure. I don't know them all very well but this is what I do know. Jason is funny, him and Bruce are a duo they are both cheeky and funny, a little dirty but at heart they are nice guys. Jason is definitely more of a party person and Bruce is definitely a Ladies man. With tanned skin and black hair, he also has really dark eyes. And Jason is basically the lighter version of him. Both tall and muscular. They also both play football. With Mikes and Christopher. That's how they all met and Jane was Miles gf. Jane was friends with Ally and then they became one group. You can tell they all. Are for eachother and are one happy friend group. Jane is a sweet and kind girl. Ally is more of a black cat. She is hilarious and is definitely not scared to put Bruce and Jason in their place when they miss behave.

Schools done, finally. Gabriel meets me at the front entrance and we walk to the car together. Cute boy stops me. "Hey, there's going to be a party at Luke Jacobs house, wanna go together?" How does the new boy already have plans and it's the first day of school??? "That sounds fun, when is it?" I ask. "Saturday night, 8pm, I'll pick you up". I smile. "Do you want me to give you my address?" He smirks. "No don't worry I'll find you Nicole Anderson" he says confidently and walks away.

Gabriel looks disgusted. "What?" I say to him. "You just got asked out in front of me!" I blankly look at him... "grow up". We get into the car and drive home.

Once I get home I sit on the couch and scroll through my phone. "Alex Henderson followed me" I whisper. I accepted his request and followed him back.




Don't forget, 8pm I'm picking you up.
Where do you live?

I live on Markel street. On the corner.

Good to know, good bye Nicole Anderson.



Hey everyone thanks for reading this chapter!! Hope you enjoyed. I'm going to give an in detail description of the new characters.

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