45* camping

67 3 0

the hole of pk academy 3rd years are seen lined up outside and each class getting talk to by there representative

hairo: all right guy this is aware final trip as 3rd years so lets go all out 

class 3: YEAH!!

the class get on a bus 

student1: hey i'm sitting here

student2: no i am 

student3: get out the way , i sitting next to teruhashi

saiki walk up and sits down

student 3: hey what do you think your doing

saiki : sitting down

student 2: who said you could sit there

teruhashi: me ,is there a problem

student1: offu cause not

student 2: why would there 

they walk away

student 3: TSK  *stomps away*

saiki: good grief "my like ability at 10" 

teruhashi: sorry "but if you weren't here i would have to sit next to that guy"

saiki shrugs

teruhashi smiles and the bus set of 

saiki: "i should check my likeability with people"

kidou likeability to saiki is  72

hairo likeability for saiki is 54

aren likeability for saiki is 68

saiki: "there slightly high but compared to kokomi "

we see teruhashi likeability for saiki is 7,342

saiki: "it scary how munch she like me my likeability for here is 1000 "

the strange machine that displays saiki's affection to teruhashi actually has the number 3,584 on it

saiki: "it's malfunctioning no question"

teruhashi: kusuo 

he looks at her : yes

teruhashi: "Are you excited were going to be in the same tent right"

saiki shrugs : doubt it they'll separate use by boy and girl "I'll leave it as surprise since they don't care"

teruhashi: oh , that a good point but i want to be with you

saiki...isn't the thousands of pictures at you mini shrine enough

teruhashi: W-what A-A-a-are you talking about i don't have a shrine to you in my wardrobe what are you talking about your crazy kusuo hehehe-hehe

saiki just looks at her judging

teruhashi: stop it "i can't help but"

saiki: you're reading that book again

teruhashi: NO 

saiki: i will destroy it "no wonder she has so many weird finitized lately" 

teruhashi: i won't let you

saiki scoffs:  like you can stop me 

teruhashi grab his hands

teruhashi grab his hands

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inconvenienced relationship  (saiki x teruhashi)Where stories live. Discover now