~Chapter 3~

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Me: Hey guys! I'm Sooo sorry I didn't update sooner! Since I was busy with other books and it's almost Christmas, I had {And still do} have to help with Christmas decorations, not just that.. You guys know I have a family right? 😅

Gray: Oh yeah, Christmas decorations and all that take 9 months or more to do.. Of coarse why didn't I think of that.. 😑

Me: Shut up Gray.. You don't know how it feels like to be busy for a very long time.. Hmm... Or probably you do? 😕

Gray: ..... 😒

Me:..Right.. Anyways lets get on with this.. 😋

Happy: On with the story! 😸

{Gray's POV}

I had stayed up longer than anyone else just to relax with the sounds of the peaceful forest, just after I had enough I decided to sleep however right now I had just woken up because of the thunder storm that is going on now. It's so loud I don't get how the rest are still sleeping, I was about to step out of the tent when a sudden ~Crash~ happened right behind me. It was the thunder that had just clashed with a tree, how I knew this? Because once I heard that clash the tree had fallen on my tent I had screamed in shock and surprise waking up everybody around, luckily I was on the far left so the tree was trapping me inside my tent. "Gray are you hurt!?" I heard Lucy's voice outside the tent, "I'm fine.." I said as I created a thick stick/needle of ice and slashed the side of the tent. I got out to hear them sigh in relief. "How did this happen?.." We heard Naiso say, "The thunder bolted the-..... I smell smoke.." i turned around to see my tent was on fire, however had picked up Natsu as if he were a tool and sucked up the fire. Throwing him back on the floor, "m-mean.." i heard him whisper cowardly and Lucy was holding in her laugh as long as she could. "Well.. There goes your tent.." Happy said, "quiet or i will destroy your's as well.." I held happy by the ear causing him to start yelling. Then the idiot picked a fight with me by throwing himself at me. "Get off me!.." I yelled as we started fighting "Not until you say you regret pulling happy's ear!" Lucy was the one who broke the fight by kicking us both unconscious, who knew she was that strong.

When we woke up in the middle of the night, we were face to face at each other.. in a tent. "AHHHHHH!!!" We both shrieked {manly :>} angrily "Get out my tent!" He punched me hard on the stomach, "Well i wouldn't unconsciously get up and walk over here!? What, you think I can defy physics!?" i returned it by giving a punch on his face "I dunno, can you!?" we continued this which made everyone mad however soon stopped in exhaustion, "Humph, You sleep all the way over there.." I was now shaking in anger but i still moved to the edge, "Idiot.." I mumbled quietly as i laid down in silence. 'Oh if i ever get the chance to injure him so badly, I'd gladly take it.. No doubt about it..!' I mentally flipped a table after that, I soon fell asleep soundly without a word.

{Morning, Natsu's POV}

I opened my eyes but once I did everything was blurry and I couldn't see as good, once I blinked I was about to scream. I was face to face with Gray, his arms around me and our noses inches apart. {And just to describe it, His face 😳 } my eye twitched and held back feeling of punching him badly, I sat up so that his arms were around my waist and tries pulling him off only to get Gray tighten his grip on my. "Gray!!" I shouted loud enough for him to wake up, "Wha-!" As soon as he woke up I threw him off and dusted myself \\Kind of// "What was that for!!" I uncovered myself and growled, "You were wrapped all around me as if I were your teddy!.." I told him with a slightly lowered voice. I looked at him in anger and when he uncovered himself I was dumbstruck, my jaw dropped completely to see he had stripped himself in the middle of the night, i launched at him and started beating him up angrily.

Me: The end! No joke! I'm sorry this chapter is pretty short but, since you guys were "begging me" to update I couldn't help but stop here!

Gray: Don't lie to yourself.. They weren't begging you at all.. Isn't it guys?

Everyone: ...........

Gray: .... {Grumbles unhappily}

Me: Pffft hah, well that's it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed and I will start doing the next chapter..

Everyone: Ba-Bye!

Me: {Fistbumps the air and whispers} yes! Finally! Everyone said it! 😋

{Like Fire, Like Ice} ~Gray x Nastu~Where stories live. Discover now