
41 3 26


september  6th 2023


Emma blindly hit her phone to stop the alarm from going off as she groaned in retaliation to the loud noise disrupting her sleep. The brunette could hear Emilie laughing at the girl, causing her to throw one of the many pillows on her bed in the direction of the noise.

"Time to wake up," Emilie sang, already having been up for a couple of hours since she had an early morning class.

"Absolutely not, I didn't think this college thing through. I had enough of it yesterday and I only had two classes," Emma's voice came out muffled from the pillow she had put over her head.

"Come on, up and at 'em," The dark-haired girl spoke as she pulled the pillow off Emma's head.

"Think I could drop out already?"

"You could, but you won't."

"I hate that you're right," Emma said as she sat up in her bed and slid herself to the edge, so her feet were dangling off the edge.

"You want me to go grab you a coffee while you get ready?" Emilie asked, looking up at the brunette as she slipped her shoes on.

"Would you, please?"

"Yeah, I was already going for myself."

"You're the best roommate, hope you know," Emma said as she blew a kiss toward Emilie as she went to walk out the door.

"I do."

With her roommate off to get coffee, Emma groaned as she slipped off her bed toward the closet where most of her and Emilie's clothes were kept. The brunette spent the next fifteen minutes making herself somewhat presentable and as she was halfway done applying her chapstick, Emilie walked back through the door with two coffees in her hands.

"You're a godsend," Emma spoke as she grabbed the coffee the dark-haired girl held out.

"You flatter me too much," Emilie said as she sat on her bed, watching as Emma hopped around trying to pull her shoes on.

The brunette looked at the time, eyes widening before saying a quick goodbye to her roommate and grabbing her stuff before heading out the door. Walking out of her door, she heard a door open causing her to turn toward the sound, finding Matthew standing there frozen in the door frame.

"You've really gotta stop coming out at the same time as me, Sturniolo, or I'm gonna think you're stalking me," Emma said as she walked past the boy who had just closed his door following behind the girl, "And now you're following me? I might just have to get a restraining order."

"Me? Stalking you? In your dreams, sweetheart, I'm just trying to get to my class," Matthew said as he pressed the button for the elevator behind the girl.

"It would be a nightmare if you were ever in my dreams."


Emma made her way into the classroom with a few minutes to spare, taking a seat toward the middle and off to the side. What she didn't expect was that, after she had made herself comfortable in her seat was that, Matthew would appear a row in front of her. The brunette kicked the back of his seat, making the boy turn around questioning who he had gotten off on the wrong foot with already.

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