OST Photonics GAGG(Ce) Scintillators
GAGG(Ce) gadolinium gallium aluminum garnet is a new detection material for high-end CT and security equipment. It has the advantages of high density, high light output, short decay time, and low radioactive background. Besides, it has stable chemical composition, no cleavability and no hygroscopy, and is easy to process and assemble, which can be applied in the fields of radiation detection and high energy physics.
OST Photonics can supply gagg scintillator crystal, GAGG(Ce) scintillation screens and LYSO(Ce) arrays upon your requests. We can offer a variety of design options and different types of GAGG(Ce) crystal materials to meet the needs of customers for their applications.
Application of GAGG(Ce) Scintillators (GAGG:Ce Scintillators)
Gamma-ray detection
X-ray medical imaging
High energy physics
Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography(PET-CT)
Single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT)
Advantages of GAGG(Ce) Scintillators (GAGG:Ce Scintillators)
High light output
High energy resolution
Fast decay time
No background
No hygroscopy
The Ability of OST Photonics
Maximum Size: ɸ60mm x 200mm
Available items: monolithic crystal, scintillation screen, pixellated array
Different Types of GAGG(Ce) Scintillators (GAGG:Ce Scintillators)
Type Light yield Decay time Afterglow
High light output type 54000 photons/keV <150 ns ≤0.10%@20ms
Low afterglow type 45000 photons/keV <70 ns ≤0.02%@20ms
Fast decay time type 30000 photons/keV <50 ns ≤0.10%@20ms
Balanced type 42000 photons/keV <90 ns ≤0.10%@20ms
Scintillation Screen Design Options of GAGG(Ce) Scintillators (GAGG:Ce Scintillators)
Freestanding ultra-thin scintillation screen.
Ultra-thin scintillation screens can be coupled to a substrate with optical adhesives in order to achieve better optical readout.
Scintillation screens can be inserted into frames(Aluminum or Stainless steel) for easier manipulation.
We can provide customized marking such as a grid, cross, or scale on the surface of the screen for easier beam visualization.
We can provide various coating on the surface of the screen upon request, such as reflection coatings(Al, Au, Ag, etc.), AR coating, diffusion painting(TiO2, Al2O3), and conductive coatings(Al, ITO, C).
Properties of GAGG(Ce) Scintillators (GAGG:Ce Scintillators)
Product Type High light output type Low afterglow type Fast decay time type Balanced type
Scintillation decay time (ns) <150 <70 <50 <90
Emission peak wavelength (nm) 520 520 520 520
Refractive index (peak wavelength) 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Density (g/cm3) 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6
Light yield (photoelectron /keV) 54 45 30 42
Energy resolution ( 137Cs) (5x5x5 mm) 6% 6% 7% 6%
Radiation hardness (rad) 10^5 10^5 10^5 10^5
Crystal structure Cube Cube Cube Cube
Cleavage plane No No No No
Hygroscopic No No No No
Mohs hardness 8 8 8 8
Afterglow ≤0.10%@20ms ≤0.02%@20ms ≤0.10%@20ms ≤0.10%@20ms
OST Photonics GAGG(Ce) Scintillators
Aventurehttps://www.ostphotonics.com/products/gagg-ce-gadolinium-aluminum-gallium-garnet-inorganic-scintillators-crystal.html OST Photonics GAGG(Ce) Scintillators GAGG(Ce) gadolinium gallium aluminum garnet is a new detection material for high-end CT and se...