Chapter Two

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Now things are getting a bit more interesting >:D


Chapter Two

The houses and trees swept past the window as Lea stared out of it. Her dad was driving her brother and herself to school before driving off to his work.

The sun shone brightly and promised a warm day as Lea bid farewell to her dad and left. She headed down the path leading her to one of the building entrances. She waited at the door and sighed. This was where she always met her friends, but she was always the first one to arrive.

She took her bag off and sat it down on the concrete. Lea than sat down next to it and rummaged through the bag. When she had found the item she was looking for, she opened it and turned it on.

Lea smiled as her Pokémon greeted her. She had already defeated the Elite Four and traveled across the rest of Unova. Now she was doing the best she could to catch all the Pokémon she had missed and evolve the Pokémon that she hadn’t already evolved.

She was in Route 15, training her level 58 Liepard Zola, whilst her Patrat Rick had an EXP Share.

Zola had just defeated a wild Kangaskhan and Rick got the remaining EXP needed for him to level up. He was now level 20, so the screen changed into the evolution screen.

Lea was excited as she heard her Patrat’s last cry that soon got replaced by a Watchog’s cry. She saved the game and looked up at the sound of a person calling her name. She closed the DS.

“Hey!” Lea greeted to her friend, Alisa. Her long, blonde hair flowed in the warm breeze.

“Happy Birthday!” Alisa said cheerfully. “Here!” She thrust a wrapped present at her friend.

“Uh, thanks” Lea laughed as she received the gift. “Should we wait for Janice?”

“No need” the dark skinned girl named Janice said. “I’m right here!”

Lea laughed. “I didn’t notice you.”

Alisa and Janice sat themselves down next to Lea on the cold concrete.

“Happy Birthday” Janice said as she handed her wrapped present to her dark-haired friend.

“Thanks” Lea replied as she took the present.

“Open mine first!” Alisa demanded.

Lea laughed and unwrapped the box shaped gift. It revealed a cardboard box which she opened. What she saw completely surprised her. She took the soft object out and examined it.

“A-a Roxas plush?!” Lea squealed. She smiled and hugged the plush that was based off of a character from a video game series called Kingdom Hearts, giggling uncontrollably. “Thank you!” She then hugged her blonde friend, the plush still in her grasp.

Lea than forced herself to calm down and opened Janice’s present. The dark blue wrapping paper revealed a small black book entitled “Death Note” in white letters. She had always wanted a Death Note. She instantly opened the book and a piece of paper fell out. She unfolded it and read the poem written on it in neat writing.

Friendship is forever

That much I know

We will be together

Warmed by the glow

Through thick and thin

We will be

With a bond as strong as kin

That will last for all eternity


“Aww…” Lea said as she finished reading it. “That’s so sweet!”

“I wanna read it!” Alisa exclaimed. “Please?

Lea handed the piece of paper over to her begging friend. She then looked down at the concrete as she noticed something else that had fallen out of the Death Note. She picked up the pen and examined it. It was black and had silver roses engraved into its lid.

“Thanks” Lea said smiling. She then took the lid off and opened the Death Note, smiling wickedly. She laughed evilly and threatened to write Alisa’s and Janice’s name on one of the lined pages.

“You know, if you kill me, your grades would go down” Janice smirked.

“T-they would not!” Lea objected hotly.

“Whatever you say” Janice said.

The bell rang and Lea quickly packed up. She then followed her friends inside to start the day at school.


Lea was sitting at the dining table, her family members with her. They had recently finished eating dinner and she had just started unwrapping her last present. She already knew what it was going to be, but seeing the cover to Pokémon Black 2 still made her excited.

“Thank you guys so much!” Lea exclaimed. She stood up and hugged her mum, dad and brother. Robert didn’t seem to be very happy with the hug, but his sister just ignored that.

“Can I please be excused?” Lea asked. She really wanted to go upstairs and play Pokémon Black 2.

“Of course you can, darling” her mum replied. “But be back downstairs in an hour!”

“Okay!” the brunette called back as she raced up the flight of stairs. As soon as Lea sat down on her bed with her blue and black DS, she ejected Pokémon Black and replaced it with Pokémon Black 2.

She turned it on and watched the opening animation. Lea didn’t know who the Pokémon on the title screen was but she decided it looked like a combination of ice and Zekrom, the main legendary for Pokémon White.

She giggled and pressed “New Game”. She was greeted by Professor Juniper, the Pokémon professor of Unova.

Professor Juniper gave her normal speech about the world of Pokémon and proceeded to ask if the player was “a boy or a girl”. Lea picked “girl” and then gave the Professor her name. She then asked as to whom the rival’s name was and Lea picked the default name of “Hugh”.

Professor Juniper continued to throw her Poké Ball into the air and then said her last lines before the initial game. “Let’s go visit the world of Pokémon!”

The screen turned black and Lea found her consciousness slipping away from her.

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