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Madrid, Spain-2023


I looked once again at the panel showing the flights, seeing that mine was leaving in thirty minutes.

I sighed once more and blew into my closed fists, trying to somehow warm the palms of my hands. Madrid was cold and a little rainy, however that wouldn't stop me from going to New York to see Ambar.

I read Ambar's message once again, where she said she was going to work, I just sent an ok, wishing her a good job, saying nothing more, as I always did in our exchanged messages.

The only person who knew about my trip to New York was Dove, after all she would be my accomplice. I would arrive in the early hours of the morning and she would pick me up at the airport to take me to Ambar's house. My plan was to dawn on her doorstep, to surprise her.

I couldn't measure how much I loved that woman, since I saw her in my childhood, I knew it was her, even if I didn't know what I felt at five years old.

I remember clearly when the Martins moved into the house next to ours, Ambar was the same age as me and we immediately became best friends, we lived together, moving from one place to the other, sharing secrets, making discoveries and being each other's support.

Ambar was the first one to watch my games, shouting from the stands, cheering for my every achievement. When she got her camera, she started recording every moment, immortalizing them in affectionate memories.

I always knew she would be a great photographer, it was no surprise that she was in New York for a photo shoot for a famous and very demanding brand. Ambar was my pride, she deserved the world and I would do what I could to create one that revolved around her.

I boarded the plane, looking at our photos together. Ambar had rescued some images of the two of us as children, which her mother had sent to her. She was more emotional and nostalgic than the other, full of love and affection. They were simple, but ours.

  They were simple, but ours

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New York, United States

I rubbed my eyes as soon as I got off the plane, walking through the arrivals gate. I looked ahead, seeing Dove's smiling and excited figure come towards me.

-Welcome to New York, little Rodrygo!-She hugged me. - It's a pleasure to meet Amb's best friend. -She moved her eyebrows and I laughed, shaking my head.

-It's nice to meet my girlfriend's best friend. -she smiled.- Is it long before I see Ambar? -I asked.

-No, but even if she did, she won't run away from New York. - She stated. - At least I think. - She joked.

I smiled at the American's humor, gathered my suitcase and we headed to Ambar's apartment. Dove explained that it was close to Ambar waking up and going to work, so she would drop me off at her building. I told her that I needed to buy flowers and she said that everything would work out, because she knew a flower shop that opened early to receive the flowers.

I was very nervous, my palms were sweating a lot and my stomach was cold. I felt like a teenager about to declare.

Just before we arrived at Ambar's building, Dove stopped the car in front of the flower shop, where I was able to buy a vase of sunflowers. At that moment, that flower had a gigantic meaning.

Dove drove to Ambar's building, getting out of the car pulling my suitcase. It seemed like she was very eager to leave me with Ambar.

The American entered the lobby, waved at the middle-aged man and told him that he should call Ambar's apartment and tell him that she was coming up. The man smiled at me and asked for a photo and autograph, which I gladly did.

From then on, Dove left me alone. I would go up to the apartment and surprise her.

I got into the elevator, breathing deeply, nervously, after all it had been months since I had seen each other and I was afraid of something going wrong. I reached the hallway where her apartment was and walked to her door, pressing the bell.

A few seconds passed until she opened the door. Her eyes fell on me and her lips parted in utter surprise.

-What? -she murmured with wide eyes.

I didn't give her time to react and threw the suitcase on the floor, holding her face to kiss her.

My lips took possession of hers, ecstatic about how much we missed each other since the last time we saw each other. The sweet and addictive taste in her mouth made my heart race like it always did when I was with her.

I moved Ambar's body so that we entered the apartment, I took my suitcase inside, leaving the flower vase on the table next to the door.

I placed my hand on her waist, pressing her body against mine, feeling the heat of her skin in contact with mine.

-I missed you so much. -She whispered breaking the kiss. -I love you so much. -smiles at her.

- I missed you too. -I quickly released her to get the vase with the sunflower. - And to you. -I extended the flower vase. -A little sunshine for a cold, rainy New York day. -she held the vase.

-Very convenient for Rodrygo Goes. -She giggled.- I'm going to put it on the balcony, to always remember that you are the Sun that helps brighten my days. -She bit her lower lip as she laughed.

-And I am. -I smiled.- Wow, I love you so much. -I caressed her cheek.

Ambar left the vase on the coffee table and kissed me once again.

-I can't believe you're here. -She held my face in her hands. -If you're running away from Real Madrid training... -Eka narrowed her eyes at me.

-No, I'm not running away. -I stated.- But if I had the opportunity to run away, I would, because I love you so much. If there wasn't a happy ending, I would write one just for us. -She opened a smile.

I moved my body on top of hers, kissing her lips again. I wouldn't get tired of kissing her, because Ambar was the love of my life.

  I wouldn't get tired of kissing her, because Ambar was the love of my life

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That's it
folks, we've reached
the end of this story

Thank you to everyone
who read, voted and
commented (even the
ghost readers)

kisses .💋

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