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In the warmth of Melissa McCall's home, Vivian Argent had found solace and sanctuary. Living with Melissa and her son, Scott, had given Vivian a sense of belonging she hadn't felt in years. But amidst the comfort of her new life, the memory of her estranged sister, Allison, lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over their impending reunion. SHe named her daughter after Alison. Vivian missed her sister.

As Vivian settled into her routine, her thoughts often drifted to Allison, wondering how she was faring and whether she still harbored resentment for their past rift. Vivian knew that their reunion would be fraught with tension and awkwardness, and she couldn't help but feel a knot of anxiety twisting in her stomach at the thought of facing her sister after five long years.

When the day finally arrived and Vivian spotted Allison in the bustling town square, her heart skipped a beat, her palms growing clammy with nerves. She approached her sister tentatively, unsure of what to say or how to break the silence that had hung between them for so long.

"Allison," Vivian greeted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Allison's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her sister and the 13 year old girl holding her hand, a mixture of emotions crossing her face. She returned Vivian's greeting with a hesitant smile, her posture stiff and guarded.

"Im sorry do I know you?" Allison replied, her tone cautious.

For a moment, they simply stood there, awkwardness hanging heavy in the air between them. Vivian searched for something to say, some way to bridge the gap that had grown between them, but the words eluded her.

"I... um... I'm sorry you just reminded me of someone I used to know. I didn't mean to bother you." Vivian finally managed, her voice faltering.

Allison shrugged, her gaze flickering away uncomfortably. "Oh no problem, have a nice day!" the girl replied, her tone kind but curious.

The silence stretched on, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the bustling town square. Vivian wracked her brain for something to say, some way to ease the tension that hung between them, but every attempt fell flat.

Just as Vivian was about to speak again, Melissa's voice broke through the awkward silence, calling out from across the square. "Vivian, Allison there you are!"

Relief flooded Vivian's senses as Melissa approached, her presence offering a welcome distraction from the uncomfortable reunion unfolding before them. Vivian shot Allison a sheepish glance before turning to greet Melissa with a grateful smile.

As Melissa launched into conversation, the tension between Vivian and Allison eased somewhat, though the awkwardness still lingered beneath the surface. They exchanged polite pleasantries, but the easy camaraderie they once shared seemed a distant memory.

As they parted ways, Vivian couldn't shake the nagging feeling of disappointment that settled over her. She had hoped for a heartfelt reunion with her sister, a chance to mend the rift that had driven them apart. But as she watched Allison disappear into the crowd, Vivian knew that their journey toward reconciliation would be far from easy.

For now, they were little more than strangers, two sisters bound together by blood but divided by the scars of their past. And as Vivian made her way back to Melissa's home, she couldn't help but wonder if they would ever find their way back to each other again

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