Chapter Four

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I woke up in a positively good mood today. Getting to finally build up the courage to meet Sage was relieving. After all, I had only seen her from afar and not face-to-face. You get what I mean, right?

Esther had asked me to pick up an order of fresh plants and flowers at the flower shop to replace the old ones in our cafe (conveniently giving me an excuse to see Sage again).

The bell on the door rung as I walked inside, the immediate scent of fresh greenery and floral making my day even better. Up front I could already see Sage's colleague, as she raises her head noticing me.

"Hey, cutie. You're early this morning." The blonde greets me with joy, a smile plastered on her face.

The end of my ears go slightly red as I respond her greet with a curt nod. "I'm picking up an order for Esther." I walked up front to the counter. "Sure, hold on. She placed an order yesterday, so these are still fresh." She chuckles as she gets them from under the counter.

Then, footsteps were heard coming closer. I look around to see Sage emerging from the staff door, a warm smile on her face. "Harvey! Good to see you again. Picking up an order? By the way, the pastries you gave us were really delicious, where'd you buy them?" She asks, as she eventually stood where me and her colleague was, leaning against the counter.

I gave a faint smile. "No, no. I made them myself. It's nothing really." Yeah, nothing. I totally didn't keep some pastry dough hidden away from the kitchen without my boss knowing to make those specifically for you.

"See. You owe me 30 bucks." I overheard her friend whisper, pinching her shoulder. Sage nudged her friend's arm, rolling her eyes. "Really? That's amazing, thanks for the effort. You really didn't have to." She smiles again.

"Yeah, you really didn't." Her friend says, making her earn another nudge to the arm. "Here, they're all packed and ready. Don't worry, they aren't heavy." The blonde gently slides over the bag to me over the counter.

"Thank you, I'll see you guys soon." I nodded, before grabbing the bag and walking out. I made my way to the cafe, ready to start my day like usual.

It wasn't like usual.
Well, until now.

"Have a good day, come again." I say to a customer with a faint smile on my face as they walk away with their coffee and muffin. It had already been an hour into my shift, and Nick's working at the back, so I decided to get a head start on replacing those plants with the new ones Esther bought. I carried a few pots to a corner, rolling my sleeves and sitting on a small wooden stool.

I heard the bell on the door ring, and aggressive footsteps gradually getting closer towards me. My back was facing the door, so I couldn't see anything.

"Oi," a gruff voice calls out.

I raise a brow, confused. I turn around with a pot in hand and before I knew it, the person pushed me back making me almost stumble, two pots falling and shattering on the ground making the dirt and pieces of the pots going everywhere.

"Hey!-" I raised a brow, obviously pissed. I take in his appearance to realise that the person infront of me is shockingly my older brother.

"Theo? Hey, hold on." I tried to calm the situation down, but got distracted with the mess on the floor.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" He took a step closer, fists clenched, clearly angry. I got confused, what did he want? Why'd he suddenly come here?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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