Sacred AngelsThu, Feb 22, 7:51 PMto Caitlin, Angel, me, Angel, SacredAnd God and jesus's promise will be True.
There is a false prophet on this earth... This person has been changed from person to person, not even looking like the same person from brown hair to blonde hair, and both wearing dead faces which have decayed over time.... and now she really does look like the walking dead... and one can see the line around her throat where the mask is. The line of the deaad face is clear on all images... it is clear that the people died about 90 years ago, the faces that she has been wearing, it is also clear that it is... a man underneath. This is... Lorna byrne.
The photo on the front cover of the little girl is NOT her, that child is in heaven. The children (supposedly so special they would never live to be more than 1 or 5 years old, let alone 15 with disabilities and disorders... were mudered.) The baby Bridgett SHE murdered and put under the bridge. This is a cult member. Joe, Brian, all parents and grandparents died of unknown conditions... and illnesses: Poisoned to death. She blasphemed and set plagues on people in blessings. Her books give false information about Angels, sounding nothing like them or anything they would say, gave false names of angels, gave false information about God and jesus, infact, the only time God spoke telling her to carry on writting was when she was talking about mary picking up pieces of skin, blood and guts from jesus after he was severely torutured to near death with weapons, which never happened, and nor does Mary have brown hair, but blonde and blue eyes. She says no animals have guardian angels nor do they go to heaven, infact, she gives false information about heaven too, and about trapped souls, she says that people are the devils helpers and that she's praying with them and is told to watch by angels, that people have macjine metalics and faces that are not theirs in her books, in fact, since WHEN does it ever mention any NAME OF GOD or THE HOLY BIBLE, The Lords prayer, anything from the holy scriptures or Faith and trust in God at all, or any miracle?? Her children - sos, do a simple dna test and ensure this cult never get to fake, fraud and falsify it - were adopted.. they are not hers and they are suffering, she sexually molests and abuses them, she poisons them and already has, and they are in danger of dying too and then becomming masked themselves, she tells them that God is hateful and cruel when her books say the exact opposite... this is the absolute truth of GOD. She has led the entire word astray: She has been thousands of different people in a lifetime who are rich, the money is funding a charaty to get people there............ to murder them. Murders are happening in her "retreat". SAVE HER CHILDREN!!! God commands the children run away to a safe place where they can be found and tell the authroities and intelligences thier new identity. UNMASK LORNA!!!!!!!!!! UNMASK THE IMPOSTER!!!! There is NO Angel Hosus, there is no Angel Jimizen, there is NO Angel - ps. does she even write angels of god, holy angels or give them any respect?? "angels...." and she says they are lower than human beings too!!! I have no problem with her praying with muslims, etc, i have a problem with, oh and the terrorism and bomb attacks that she caused? indeed. everything else. Not once is she seen to be praying but to mary, not to GOD ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY LORD AND OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, they are not even mentioned, nor are they called LORDS. The two spirits were two people she first knew as a child who were murdered, and the first lorna grew up a cultist, was killed at 22 years old... the first mask was... the brown one, and once it had enough decay she swapped to the yellow dyed masks.... which look even more deathly. Tell me you cannot see the line.
Thank you for listening.
Jesus Christ beggs you to listen. Do not deny the truth of GOD, because,
And now, cancel the transaction.... stop the murderous sanctuary... from killing... send all the money to READ childrens charities... and as many charities in need.... and i have to erase everything to do with him on my accounts. Hurry, sos, because people are dying. People are dying.