the breaking point

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Harry's Pov:

"No Sirius!!" I scream. I run to him, but I'm too late. I watch him fall through the veil, I couldn't even properly mourn, before I had to put up a protection spell. I turn and see Bellatrix leaving and I chase after her. "Poor itty-bitty baby potter lost the bastard of a black" I hear her cackle out. After running a bit more I finally found her. My mind is screaming at me to crucio her, but instead I aim at her shoulder and yell "Diffindo!" Cutting off her whole arm. She shreiks before using the floo to get away, I didn't feel bad for what I did, she took my godfather away from me. I then realized that Sirius only died because he was in the order of the phoenix, and I remember Sirius told me Reggulas died because he was a death eater. It doesn't matter if you're light or dark, there's still a chance you could die because of it. So i decided that I wouldn't choose a side, I'd go and claim my lordship and move them to the neutral side. So I tried to run. Emphasis on tried. Voldemort showed up and battled Dumbledore, then possesed me. So when we got back to Grimauld I was under costant supervision.

Voldemort's Pov:

I get back after battling Dumbledore and possessing the potter brat, and find Bellatrix in the medical wing. And what horrified me was that she was missing an arm. "Bellatrix, what happened?" I asked with slight worry. "The potter boy hit me with a Diffindo in the shoulder and cut off my arm." She said sounding confused and in awe. It was my turn to be confused, how did the brat manage to hit Bellatrix with a spell, Diffindo for that matter.

Harry's Pov:

The next five hours where annoying, I had Nymphadora following me around until I snapped and yelled at her "leave me the fuck alone Nymphadora!!" and locked myself in Sirius's old room. I waited until midnight where I knew everyone would be asleep. I left Sirius's old room packed my stuff and told kreachure and Wallburga that I wouldn't be coming back, they both were a bit sad as I was the only one to treat them with respect. I put a note on the counter that said 'I have decided to go neutral and leave. don't bother writing to me I won't respond I'm claiming my lordships, graduating then leaving Britain. Goodbye everyone. -sincerely Harry Potter ' then went outside and go on Sirius's old motorcycle, and drove to the Leaky Cauldron. He went inside and went to the wall, and tapped his wand, and entered the alley. He then went to Gringotts.

A/N sorry it's short

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