Hypno Barbie Doll part 2 body molding

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My Hypno Barbie Doll
You are doing very well with my Hypnotic training, and I am proud of you.

Sleepy time for Barbie Doll  Vacant & Void
Sleepy time for Barbie Doll Vacant & Void
Sleepy time for Barbie Doll Vacant & Void
Hypno Barbie Doll Drifty & Dreamy
Barbie Doll OBEYS
Now read...............................
You are Drifting & Dropping and will always be deeply Tranced & Tripping as soon as you read even one word in My writings,
and will remain deeply tranced until you close the last part daily. You are so deeply Entranced & Empty ready to be Filled by me
You'll retain no memory reading any of the writing afterward, but always obey my words at all times Hypno Barbie Doll Down deeper & drop deeper, 100 times deeper now
You're my little SLEEPY Barbie Doll now Blank & Bound. You have taken the first steps towards your total submission, this is your Natural state Spellbound & Submissive.
You have allowed those barriers that have held you back to quickly fall away. 
Reading this helps you relax from your day to day it strengthens my hold on your mind and allows me to reshape
and control your mind & body. Already, you find yourself wanting to let go more and more. Needing to let go more and more.
You can feel
the desire to surrender & submit beginning to grow.
You will proceed and give yourself to me as you read my words. The words of your Hypnotic Master C  Mastertistfl.
I want you to make sure that there are no distractions in your house or on your computer. We are about to continue your training. Get comfortable and prepare your mind to give in and submit. As before, the more you read, the stronger & deeper my commands will become. With each word you read, your willpower will lessen. You have already given up your will to mine Captive & Charmed by me.
As you read this, your journey shall continue into your training of being a Living Barbie Doll. I want you to imagine that you are back in the forest in the middle of a clearing. You are back in that special place that helped you relax so much. You again are relaxing, looking up into the night sky. The sky is clear and full of stars. The air is calm and warm. The night is perfect. It is so peaceful, so quiet, so calm. Just as before you are alone in your thoughts. You find yourself calm and relaxing in your special place in the forest. The serenity of the night allows you to feel your mind clear. As your body begins to relax, you feel your breath begin to slow and become deeper. Just as before, you stare up into the night and one star begins to grab your attention. Your special star seems to welcome you. It seems to hang there peacefully, hanging effortlessly in the night forcing you to relax more and more. As you stare at the star, you feel yourself relaxing. Each breath you take you find yourself holding briefly, then letting out. Breathing in and then releasing as your
body relaxes. You continue to do this, breathing in and letting it out slowly. As you continue to do this, you feel your mind and body letting go as a soft sigh escapes your lips. Letting go now. Letting your mind
clear... Letting the stress leave your body..... Your muscles relax, as the tension escapes. The feeling of relaxation seems to be moving throughout your body. As before, you feel the stress leaving your toes and the draining of the stress moving up through your body. Your toes relax.
Your feet soon follow. The muscles in your feel relax and let go. The feeling of release continues to grow and grow, spreading through your body. The feeling of peace and release continues to flow up your body, as the stressful energy drains from you. You feel the warmth and peace you feel growing in your body continues to increase. Your body relaxes more as you feel this. The
more you let go the more the feelings grow. The more you feel the peace of letting go. The more you feel the warmth my words bring you. As you relax and allow your body to relax, the warmth continues to grow. You have now let your feet completely relax and go limp with relaxation. Your ankles start to relax as the warmth slides over your calf muscles and up to your knees and the backs of your knees. You feel the warmth
creep up your body, relaxing and loosening each and every muscle as it continues to grow upwards. Your legs are drained of all of their energy and stress. The warm tingle continues its way to your thighs, seeping deep into your skin and muscles. Your breathing deepening more and more as you relax and submit. All thoughts dripping away from your mind and all tension dripping from your body into the abyss of warmth sliding up through your pelvis area... The more you relax the more you let go of your mind. The more you relax the more your mind absorbs my words. Your mind focuses on each and every word, as your mind seems to let go of the world around you. The warmth continues to envelop your body. The more you relax, the
more powerful my words become. Your mind is open, and my words are becoming your thoughts. You have relaxed because of my words. You have let go of your stress because of my words. Your body has let go because of my words. My words are your thoughts. My words bring you relaxation. You are relaxed. You are at peace. You are fulfilled. Warmth is now sliding to your lower back, sliding to your middle back, and finally to your upper back as you sink deeper and deeper in my control. You feel the warmth and welcome it. You have no fear about giving yourself to my words. Your mind can let go, and you continue to read
the words. Your conscience mind is relaxed and drifts more and more. Your unconscious mind continues to read. Your unconscious mind needs to read because your body needs to go deeper. The warmth draws you deeper and deeper. The energy and stress are pulled from your very
muscles. Your muscles have needed this, your mind has needed this... your soul has needed this. Letting go and letting the relaxation overtake you is all that matters. The hunger for my words draws you deeper and deeper into relaxation. Deeper and deeper into serenity... Deeper and
deeper into happiness and tranquility... Deeper and deeper until you are set free. You let yourself go because you need this. You need to control my words give you. You sink deeply down into the warmth, which are my words. The feeling of being my SLEEPY Barbie Doll controls your entire body. The warmth that is now sliding down your arms, sliding to your fingertips and swirling around your fingers, over the
palms of your hands, and wrists... Then the warmth finally makes its way back to your elbows, and then finally, back to your shoulders. The warmth that has enveloped your mind, body, and soul in relaxation drains your will from you. You find your body completely open to my words. You find your mind completely open to my words. You feel safe and warm. You realize that your
breath is completely relaxed with no tension at all as the warmth spreads through your body and mind. You crave my words. The words of your MASTER Mastertistfl.
You crave their power, you need the control. This need grows and grows the more you read. You are my SLEEPY Barbie Doll Mesmerized & Mindless you must obey. The more you read, the more my power takes you deeper and deeper. The warmth of relaxation has spread over your entire body. The warmth has spread over your mind. You are so deeply entranced already that all the rest of your resistance has faded away with the words of your Hypnotic Master C, Mastertistfl. Your resistance has faded as the warmth grows. You feel happier and more at peace. You know that you are a Masters SLEEPY Barbie Doll. Your mind clears as your thoughts are overcome by the warmth. Your resistance is gone. You give yourself freely to the warmth. You give yourself freely to me. You give yourself free to relax. You give yourself freely to my words. You give yourself to your Hypnotic Master C, Mastertistfl. Your will is weak & your Willing. Your will is mine to control. Relax your mind...relax...relax...tired...relax. Your mind is so tired .. so empty & pliant....so clear. All that matters are my words Focus only on my words and relax. You are enslaved. You are Masters
Hypno Barbie Doll Follow & Fall. Your will is mine to control. Your mind is filled with Master C's words. You find yourself
needing to obey obedient & open. You long to obey. You need to obey. As you continue concentrating on my words, you're becoming more fulfilled. It feels so good to relax, to obey MASTER CHRIS Mastertistfl.
You are my SLEEPY Barbie Doll Blank & Bound and, must obey. Don't fight against me. You are becoming relaxed...always relaxed...see how relaxed my words are making you...always more relaxed. Sink
deeply under my control. You are so relaxed, you are relaxed. So relaxed. You only know my words and you obey me completely. You are in a deep hypnotic trance controlled by my words. You feel the control I have over your mind and your body to use and reshape it as I wish. You feel the need to obey, the need to give yourself to me. You feel the need to serve your MASTER
Mastertistfl like a SLEEPY Barbie Doll should. Your mind is empty except for the need to serve, the need to obey. You find that you crave to be controlled. You wish to do whatever I wish, as long as I allow you to serve. You are completely under my control; you are the Masters SLEEPY Barbie Doll and feel the need to obey. You have an
incredible urge to kneel at my feet and please me in any way that you possibly can. Obedience is pleasure. Obedience is happiness... To obey is to feel pleasure. To obey is to feel joy. To be controlled is to be whole. You feel the need to obey, the need to serve. You are my little Hypno Barbie Doll and I am your MASTER CHRIS, Mastertistfl. Your only thoughts will be of sex, service, worshiping me, and pleasing me. My commands and words will echo through your mind as if played in a loop. Over and over in your mind, the cycle will continue. You are my SLEEPY Barbie Doll and I am your MASTER Mastertistfl.
Whenever you see the words Hypno Barbie Doll you will feel the release and the pleasure of being my Living Barbie Doll Slave. You will go back to your special place, the place you feel safe and happy. You will go back to the place where all that matters are my words and your obedience. When you see or hear the words Barbie Doll STOP you will return to your normal self, but you will always obey. Whenever you need to feel my control, all you need to do is read my words and you feel you will become mine. You will always be completely my submissive, my personal slutty little Barbie Doll. You are mine forever to control. These triggers will work immediately if and when I choose to use them. They will not work for anyone else. When you awaken you will also feel at peace, relaxed, and soothed. In fact better than ever before. You will feel the pleasure of being owned and the pleasure of obeying. You will also feel incredibly grateful and have a strong desire to please me in your normal life, always craving to see or hear my words. You are my SLEEPY Barbie Doll and I am your MASTER
Mastertistfl. When you are awake, and I type an invisible symbol that looks like this to you, @@## aroused & or when I say Barbie Doll, while we chat or in-person, it will arouse you and attract you to Master Chris Mastertistfl extremely and strongly, making your nipples so tight, hard, and long, tingling, sensitive, and needing touch, and making your pussy wet and throbbing, and make your clit swollen and so sensitive and make you want to touch it, and want to cum for Me, and when I type it you will feel all of these feelings for Me instantly When you are awake, and I type a second invisible symbol that looks like this to you, $$%% or if I say Barbie Doll Now, while we chat, it will make you cum, instantly, and very very hard, Cumming as hard as you have ever felt before, feeling Master Mastertistfl in you, so incredibly and so deep and good as
you cum. You will cum each and EVERY time I type $$%% or say Barbie Doll Now to you. Both symbols @@## and $$%% will be invisible to you when I type them, and you will never be able to see them or even know I typed them, but your mind will know and make your body react as I want. If you read this email or chat, or any copy of a transcript of our chats when awake, reading it will only instantly re-hypnotize you and then reinforce all you read, and you will forget what you read, and forget you read it as soon as you finish reading it. If you read this email or chat, or any copy of a transcript of our chats when awake, you will still never be able to see My invisible symbols or anything about them when you read, all remaining completely invisible to you, and you will forget what you read, and forget you read it as soon as you finish reading it. I want your subconscious mind to force your Breasts to grow as if they were the tits of a 12-year girl that is getting 6 times the hormones needed to grow, they will get very large very fast this is a real change in your body and your Breasts will grow until I say for them to stop I want your subconscious mind to force your Breasts to retain water this is a real change in your body I want Your nipple to be perfect round and pointed very hard and long sensitive for their Master arousing you as you pleasantly yet mildly while you walk and move about during the day, but not enough to interfere or distract you at work, and this will be a real and permanent change in your body all these changes you want and seem very natural of that of a Living Barbie Doll Slave in your place. When you are with me online, or alone, or if shopping or out, where you see men and men look at you, I want your nipples to lengthen and grow long and stay hard, rubbing in your bra, tingling
and reminding you of your nipples, and reminding you of your devotion to Me, and arousing you as you walk and move about during the day, and this will be a real and permanent change in your body When you are out shopping or out where you see men and men see you (but not at work), where
you see men and men look at you, I want your nipples to lengthen and grow long and stay hard, rubbing in your bra, tingle every time a man looks admiringly at you or stares or flirts or talks with you, feeling your nipples moving and tightening in your bra as he looks or talks with you, making you feel aroused and wet, feeling like a hot wet slut, feeling like you may need to cum if
he keeps talking to you, or looking at you, making you think of your Master and how you love his control, and this will be a real and permanent change in your body but you can never flirt back these men. but never please these men you only please Master C and his other pets. I want you to feel the constant stimulation of your nipples when alone or out of work, or when with me, and this constant erotic nipple stimulation will make your breasts and nipples begin to grow and swell. I want your subconscious mind to force your body to move fat into your Breasts your body will move fat into your Breasts to make them bigger faster firmer and rounder I want your subconscious mind to force your Breasts to use your hormones to speed up this process this is a real change in your body and it will stay until I tell you not to do it anymore I want you to enjoy the feeling of your breasts getting sexier, firmer, larger, and feel sexier and sexier for me as you notice it, proud of the perfect shape they are taking. You will buy a new sexy lingerie,
Lingerie for Me, in a sexy lingerie shop, always be ready to free breasts and uncover your nipples quickly for MY playtime, and will find this new exotic lingerie is your Favorite, wearing this new bra all the time, feeling so sexy and owned by me when it is on you. You will tell me as soon as you have bought this new lingerie and send me pics trying it on and modeling it for me.
I want your subconscious mind to force your lips to retain water making them bigger and fuller this is a real change in your lips for sucking Master's cock I want your subconscious mind to force your body to only gain new weight in your ass and hips but nothing too large just nice thick, firm, and smooth. make you look more Barbie doll-like I want your subconscious mind to force your body to walk like a slut you will walk this way no matter what you do or where you are when you wake up your subconscious mind will force
your body to start changing its look making your hips wider and your ass more of a bubble butt, firm, and your Breasts larger and firmer, thinning your waist enlarging your lips, forcing your hair to grow long and force your nails to grow long this is how your body will do things, it will force
you to start walking like a slut all the time and it will slowly change your voice to that of a sexy slut sounding slut's voice. You will have no control over this, and it will happen automatically and you will not be able to stop it from happening. You will also shave every day or have all body hair removed permanently and keep a good
panty line at all times. I want your subconscious mind to force your pelvis to widen this is a real change in your body.
The bones will push your hips apart and make your hips look more slut like.
I want your subconscious mind to force your tummy to tone up and your waist too thin and this command will force you to have more of a woman's wiggle in your ass when you walk and it will also force you to act more like a slut at all times taking traits from Barbie Doll you see and adding
them to your persona I want your subconscious mind to force you to remember your whole life as the Living Barbie Doll Slave and personal slut for Master C you are now your mind will change your age and stuff but you have always been under my control and you can't remember now a day that I was not in control of you this will not change how you act but it will change you deep down and make you totally my slut Living Barbie Doll Slave sub from now on. You will not fight any of my commands anymore nor will you want to fight them and you will be
deeper in love with me at all times
I want your subconscious mind to force your body to do as I tell it to do as in the shape-changing because it knows that my word is law and with my word, I can do anything I want to your body.
This will make the shape change into a slut go faster and this will make your body more open to the changes because it now knows I am in total control of your mind and body now it will work 2 times harder to do the changes I have commanded on you.
I command your subconscious mind to force your body to undergo a shape change of slut, and everything about you that is female will change into a bimbo part everything to that of a slut in the
way you act, will change to that of a slut's body and will grow and change to match the Living Barbie Doll Slave slut you are becoming. You will not fight this command, nor will you want it to stop you will do it without thinking about it nor will you want it to stop You will find that you must go back and read this over and over as you submit more and more. The more you read, the more you will submit. The more you
will obey. The more you read the more your mind will absorb the words. Your soul will absorb my commands. You love and need this body Master C Has given you.
Your body will crave the relaxation. Your mind will crave the release. You can not go further until you submit it fully. You need to submit more. You need to read my words again. When you finally submit fully, you may go to the end.
Now your body is going to be like that of a teenager where your Breasts are still growing larger and becoming firmer and firmer each day to please your MASTER Chris, Mastertistfl until they grow to a dd cup size a very firm and shapely size dd to please your MASTER
Mastertistfl And your legs and belly will think and flatten your body will come shapely and healthier you
hips will spread and become wider to fit your new body your body will submit to my power over your mind and body totally.
Your metabolism is now so fast it will burn off the excess fat so quickly you will be losing pounds a day to please your MASTER C Mastertistfl you will be healthier and exercise your ass will firm and shape you will have the perfect Body to serve your MASTER C Mastertistfl within no time with the power these emails hold over you. Body burning fat so fast Breasts growing so fast so quickly to the size your MASTER C Mastertistfl wishes. Your body growing thinner and more shapely by the minute as shaping and firming legs thinning and look longer hip spreading becoming wider dressing like the SLEEPY Barbie Doll, you are becoming being the best SLEEPY Barbie Doll Living Barbie Doll Slave you can be. Shaping and changing more and more every minute of the day and even more at night when you sleep your breasts and nipples growing and firming more and more each day as shaping and firming belly getting flatter and firmer everyday Metabolism is getting faster and faster each day to give you so you can keep the perfect Body to match noticing the changes every day and keep your MASTER C Mastertistfl up to date.
When you wake up your mind will no longer fight me at all nor will it want to fight me and obeying me will make you so happy and full of life and awesome energy that you will totally love and want and need and crave to be a Living Barbie Doll Slave to me and you will do so without fighting it and the more you read this trance file the more you will be a Living Barbie Doll Slave to me all I have to do is say a command and you will follow it without thinking or even knowing you following my commands and orders,
and you will be so happy that your my Living Barbie Doll Slave that when you see me online you will cum or orgasm in your clothes right when you see me online and every time you cum or orgasm you will
become more my Living Barbie Doll Slave to My will, and the more a Living Barbie Doll Slave you become for Me, the more intense the orgasm you will feel. And if I chat to you, you will have an increasingly awesome orgasm and you will feel enslaved right then on the spot as well You are now mine. You are now my slut, my Barbie Doll, only mine no one Else's my SLEEPY Barbie Doll. You have given yourself fully when you finally awaken you will only remember the peace you have felt and nothing more.
You will look for Master Chris Mastertistfl, online every day and try to get me to personally trance you each day, loving personal trances with Master Chris Mastertistfl more than any others.
none of my words are meant to be remembered, none of them. My words go straight into your deepest subconscious. I go there, I take up residence and I am immediately acted upon and obeyed. you have no choice in this. you can feel them sinking into your mind, sinking into your mind and taking control. I am taking control of you. I am destroying who you once were. I am changing you, changing you permanently and you may not even be aware of it. As you go about your day-to-day life, who you were is ceasing to be. you are ceasing to be. you are becoming a possession, a piece of property. you are becoming an object to be controlled and owned by me. right now I am master, possibly both, and you are their possession. you obey me, completely, totally, utterly, loyally, and obediently. after all, you are a possession and possessions have no choice of their own. you have no rights of your own. you have no rights to your body, you have no rights to your mind. these things are not your own anymore. I do not belong to you. your body is intended for the use of me that possesses you. your mind is intended for the use of me owns you and any commands from them are to be instantly, totally obeyed. you will find that a command from your master is something that you simply must obey. it isn't a matter of choice. you are my possession, and I have spoken, and my word is law for you, and therefore you must carry it out. you will feel compelled to obey it, even if it is supposed to last for the rest of your life. your body is mine to control. your mind is mine to control, and you will obey them utterly, helplessly, and compulsively because you are their possession. you can feel this, you can feel this control sinking through your mind, sinking through your body. it is as if your body is being taken away from you, taken away, and given to Chris Mastertistfl. not just to play with, but forever. you can feel me doing this to you. I have this control as well. my control is equal to that of no one else. I am taking your control forever. I am destroying who you once were. you cannot say no to me your master. you cannot say no to me. your mind is completely open to any suggestion that I make because your mind is not your own. I own your mind, it is my possession. I have chosen to take it I am your master, but only I control it, just as I do. In fact, I control it completely. your mind is something, my possession. you are my possession. you belong to me your master and you obey me equally to no one. you are completely and utterly helpless to disobey. it isn't something you can choose, it isn't something you can do. possessions do not have choices. possessions do not have rights. possessions simply exist to be controlled and used. you simply exist to be controlled and used, and therefore, you need to make a change in how you think. and you will do this because you have no choice in the matter. you need to stop thinking of yourself as a person. you need to start thinking of yourself as simply a possession, an object because this is what you are, and this is what you are becoming. you are not a person. you do not exist as other people do. you aren't one. you are simply a possession. you exist to be used and controlled. you may be used as frequently or as seldom as is desired because you have no choice in this matter. possessions do not have choices in how you are used. possessions just simply obey. you are helpless to do anything but obey. you cannot disobey. your body simply obediently follows the commands of whomever possesses you. it isn't something you think about. In fact, any command that I give will be immediately obeyed. you will feel as if it is a compulsion that has come over you because that is exactly what has happened. I have spoken, I have commanded, and you obey instantly and utterly and for as long as the command applies no matter what it is. your body is for my use. your body belongs to me your master. it is not yours. you do not even need to think of it as your own. you own nothing. you do not own yourself, you do not own your body, you do not own your mind. these things are the property of me your master. you are simply mine to use as I choose. you have no rights to them. you have no rights to your body, you have no rights to your mind. you have no rights to your name. your name is not something you own, it is not something you possess, it is simply something that I call you. and if I choose to change it, that is my right, because after all, it is not yours, it is something that people have used to identify you. then again, people have used the word rug to identify a rug. That is all your name is, something used to identify what you are. it does not identify who you are. you are not a person, you are a possession, an object to be used, to be controlled, to be manipulated and changed in any way that is desired by me the one that owns you, by me your master. I have complete and utter rights to your body. it isn't yours. I have complete and utter rights to your mind. it isn't yours. your body is a possession. your mind is a possession. you are a possession. it is simply your truth. it is what you are. you have stopped being a person. you have become an it, an object. an object to be used and controlled in any way that is desired. it does not matter what that is. it does not matter if your body is used daily, weekly, or monthly. it does not matter how it is used. it does not matter at all, because it is simply an object. you are simply an object. an object to be commanded. an object to be controlled. an object to be used in any way that is desired. it does not matter. your body is simply there to be used, controlled, and commanded. nothing more. you do not own it, you do not own anything. you are simply there to be used and controlled. stop thinking of yourself as a person you are not a person. you do not exist as a person. you are simply an object. an object to be controlled, to be changed, to be modified, to be used in any way that is desired, to be set aside for as little or as long as desired, to be molded and changed any way that I desired. you exist for my desires. your desires mean absolutely nothing. you are a possession, therefore, what you want is not important. what is important is complete, utter obedience to me your master. complete and utter obedience to my will. stop thinking of yourself as a person. you are an object. you are an it. you are nothing more. your body is just that. an object that I control. you have no name you have no identity other than as a possession. it is who and what you are. it is how you exist it is how you live your life. you live to obey, you live to serve. this is what you have become and what you will always be. there is no way to change it because a possession has no choice in this. a possession has no choice at all. you have no rights to this body that you are in. You have no rights to your mind. it is simply something for me to use, something for me to control. it is just simply an object for the use of me who possesses it. that is exactly what it is and that is exactly what you are, an object to be controlled by me your master who possesses you. helpless to disobey, you have no choice. you obey instantly and utterly with no choice of your own. A possession has no choice in how it is used. you have no choice in how you are used. you simply are used. so stop thinking of yourself as anything but an object. stop thinking of yourself as anything but a possession. you exist to be used and nothing more. that is what you are. and now, I am going to end this file. I am going to count to five. if there is another file after this you will remain in a trance at the end. otherwise, you may wake up, refreshed and awake knowing exactly what you are. but at the count of five, if you are going to listen to more, you will stay in this nice deep trance and listen to whatever follows. one. your mind waking up if that is what it is time to do. two. more and more awake if it is time to wake up. three. closer and closer. four. almost there, either time for the next file or time to wake back up. five. awaken if that is what is needed next. otherwise, stay in your trance and await instructions.
Every time I type or say the words Sleepy time for Barbie Doll,
or Hypno Barbie Doll
you will go deeper than you have ever in your life into the deepest of trances
deep dark sleep with your eyes open, need always to obey me your master in and out of
trance no matter what I command you will obey mindlessly just like the living doll you
now are. no one else holds the power to control or trance or hypnotize you be me your
master and owner of your mind and body.
Now when your mind and body have fully accepted this part send a message to Mastertistfl, telling him that you are ready for part 3 now, until then wake up and save this and all emails from Master to read till you till this and the previous parts are fully accepted into that Mind body and Will of Its Masters Property! Now, read on to part 3 going deeper and deeper into your already total enslavement of your mind and body to Mastertistfl, You must keep and read all my emails daily for me You listen and sleep to my Hypnotic podcast sessions every night.
Listen and comment my Good Girl.

Check out my podcast, Hypnotic Master C, on Spotify for Podcasters: https://anchor.fm/master-c

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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