Chapter 6

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Jamal opens the door and his big personality just fills the whole space. He's a tall, lean, gorgeous black man. His facial hair, so perfect it looks as much as an accessory as the layered bracelets on his wrist. He's wearing the most chic, flowy, navy pants that essentuate his long legs. His sleeveless white shirt with the deepest of V necks, shows off the extremely long cross that sits on his gorgeous abs. The man grabs Sarahs hands.

Jamal- Sarah Vaine! It is such a blessing to have such a powerful women of fashion standing before me! 

Jamal's eyes find Adrianna and he very dramatically approuches her, looking her up and down.

Jamal- And who have you brought me here?

He grabs her hand and without breaking eye contact with Adrianna, he lays a gentle kiss on the surface of her hand. Adrianna's cheeks redden. her eyes dart to Sarah. She can see Sarah seems furious. Sarah steps between the two.

Sarah- I haven't "brought" you anything. This is my assistant Anna. And frankly, Mr. Kingston. I believe I'm here because YOU have something to "bring" to ME. Unless I've gotten the wrong idea, I will gladly go back to my office to spend my time more efficiently.

Both Jamal and Adrianna seem very surprised by Sarah being so protective. Though for Adrianna, she wasnt sure if her heart was racing from fear, embarrassment, or.... 

Jamal- I assure you, i didnt mean any disrespect for you or your assistant....

Sarah(sternly)- Anna

Jamal- Anna. I hope you can forgive me and will still be willing to listen to what collaborative ideas we have to offer you here at DAF

Sarah(nods)- after you

Sarah gestures to the inside of the office, queueing Jamal to enter and show the women where they can sit. Jamal doesn't waste anymore time and starts making his pitch. He went on rambling about all his ideas that all seemed to revolve around "sexy Women". He would use the whole room while talking, Pacing back and forth. Every now and again he would take extra long looks at Adrianna making her slightly uncomfortable but she would just resort to looking down at her laptop. At one point he came between the two girls placing images of clothing ideas on the table in front of them. When going to walk back to the front of the room he walked so close, his body brushed against Adrianna. She didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes and kept typing her notes with her head down.
It was clear to Anna that despite the overbearing personality, the man knew what he was talking about and this could really be a huge deal for the two companies. After an hour and a half of pitching, he finally asks the question.

Jamal- so... What are you thinking? You think we have a Collab in our hands?

Sarah(sighs)- I'm really stuck on my decision right...

Sarah stands

Sarah- this all sounds amazing but I will need time to think about it

Jamal doesn't seem very pleased with this response. His entire body language changes

Jamal- is there something wrong with anything that I've brought to the table?

Sarah- No actually... may I be frank?

Sarah's face lights up. Her jaw clenches as she speaks. And it almost looks like she is trying to hold back from slapping this man.

Sarah- everything you've discussed was perfect. And in any other circumstance I would shake your hand, and say let's further discuss details with our legal teams... however I can't help but feel like you speak through that shriveled up thing between your legs. Everything you say is great, but for some reason you always seem to have to emphasize the sex appeal of a woman. Not to mention you have not stopped staring at my assistant since the moment we've arrived here. I can see how uncomfortable you are making her feel and that alone is enough for me to gladly, and with a great smile tell you that I would NEVER collaborate with a company run by such an arrogant man-child who thinks it's ok, to be in a meeting pitching ideas to ME, all while being oh so focused on looking at MY assistant like she's some piece of fresh meat.

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