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It was early in the morning around 6am and suddenly my phone rang . I made a piss face and answer the call without seeing the caller ID.

I immediately widen my eyes after listening the other side of the phone and gritted my teeth i cut the call and stood up from my bed.

After that i did my daily routine,took a bath in hurry and wore my as usual work clothes my bossy style in black colour.

I went downstairs from my room and took out an apple from the dining table and when i was about to leave my mom called me.......

I stop in my way and turn back to see my mom's smiling face.


Hazel's mom mrs Jeon was smiling seeing her already and then she made a confused look on her face and then ask her "oh my daughter you woke up early today and see you already got dressed, are you going to office this early" she said with cupping her face.

Hazel smile and kissed her back palm and said while smiling "yes mom i have some work in office i have to go early today ,some emergency has occur"

Her mom made an oh face and said "at least have breakfast princess, your appa will be here at any time, now take a seat I'll set the table".

Hazel said in straight voice "no mom this apple is enough for now , I'll do breakfast at office,byee! I am getting late".

Her mom stand there in defeat not wanting to say anything as hazel did her routine by her own so her mom didn't force her for anything.


I get in my car which was in parking i open the door and sat inside to start the engine ,After driving for few minutes i reach my company which i have made by my hard work,by loosing my sleeps and many things my Jeon enterprises.

I directly headed to my office signalling my manager to come in my office ,he nodded as yes. I entered the cabin and sat on my chair resting my head back .
I hear the knock on the door and after giving permission my manager enter the room.

He bow me a little ,I signal him to explain the things as he said by giving the photos in his hands "here ma'am that personal secretary of yours betrayed us by sharing the documents of our company to the Kim's enterprises,and so she share some personal documents".him saying this with an disappointed face, feeling sorry for not knowing this before.

I gritted my teeth and ask him as usual in cold voice"now where is she , I'll make sure she will regret by doing this to my company's work and documents,how dare she " I shouted the last words as my manager flinched.

He said "ma'am today she didn't came to work,or may be she will not .but we didn't said her that we know about her truth".

Anger fill my body i may be Burst but i control myself to get angry on wrong person if i get her then she will know the truth side of mine .

I calm my nerves and said to my manager"be active here i am going somewhere if she come then call me immediately!". I said while going out of the cabin as he followed me towards the elevator,he nodded and i headed towards my car.

After reaching my car i start the engine and drive towards someowhere, the place always makes me calm ......


After driving for half an hour she reach a beach side a empty beach there no people was present but only her, she was admiring the beauty of beach by thinking
"The sand is the most gentle hue of gold, almost earthen and muted ,i love this beach".

While admiring the beach she didn't realise that a drop of tear left her eyes, she removed that from her hand and smile widely but a sudden thought make her sad once again .

She sat on the bench a sudden sadness linger over her body she remind that how her mother die...

Yes! Mrs Jeon is her step mother but she love her as her own daughter she try her best to not get her alone but being defeated as hazel doesn't care that much about her . But also she love her but not as her mother.

Mr Jeon marry her to take care of hazel as he was busy in his work ,he didn't had that much time to take care for her health and food .

Hazel was controlling her tears as she remembered her mother was killed by some goons before 10 years and she was present there tooo but couldn't help her mother ,she always thinks that if she could do something her mother would alive now.

Hazel always says that she is responsible for her mother's death, she cries in nights and missed her mother but she pretend cold in others eyes.

She was in her deep thoughts that how her mother got killed , how her friends leave her when she was unstable, everyone leave her alone.

Her thoughts break when she heard her phone rang , she immediately pick the call after seeing the caller ID which was her manager.

Her manager said "hello ma'am she is here".

"Ok , keep an eye on her i am coming.

As she hung the call she turn to go to her car but she froze in her way as she heard a manly voice,


I care for you!

Who could be that man ?
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As it's my first time so plz ignore my mistakes😗🙆

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