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PAST NAMES - Amarylliskit, Amaryllispaw.
CURRENT NAME - Amarylliscry
FUTURE NAMES - Amarylliscry
PREFIX MEANING - When she was born, Amarylliscry's mother noted that she had a signature sparkle she had noticed in her mother, who enjoyed the amaryllis flowers, and enjoyed their scent. Using this knowledge, Amarylliscry's mother named her after this flower.
SUFFIX MEANING - Known for her determined attitude and social personality, Amarylliscry got her warrior suffix because of her social nature and tendency to give speeches about unnecessary things. In this sense it's less like cry as in sadness but more as in her ability to chat.
GENDER, AGE - Female, 41 moons
GROUP/CLAN - Peakclan
RANK - Warrior
PAST RANKS - kit, apprentice
FUTURE RANKS - Senior Warrior, Elder
VOICE - Charlotte, Genshin Impact
FUR COLORS - Creamy Beige with some white fur
FUR DESC. - Thick and smooth
EYE COLOR - a mix between Amber and Hazel
BUILD - Slim but Large
SCENT - Wildflowers
SCARRING - A small nick in her ear, barely noticeable unless up close. Obtained during Apprenticeship.
WOUNDS - none
BASIC DESC. - A attractive slim but large beige and white she-cat with Hazel eyes.
NEG. TRAITS - Messy, Loud, Irritating, Impulsive, Reckless, Argumentative, Impatient, Opinionated.
POS. TRAITS - Courageous, Fair, Knowledgeable, Ambitious, Honest, Crafty, Candid.
OVERALL - Amarylliscry has a personality akin to a curious activist. She's not exactly sure how to go about spreading her opinions, but she does it anyways. She never leaves her opinions out of conversation and makes sure that she is constantly heard. she despises being ignored and dislikes cats who aren't completely honest about their emotions. She'll tell you exactly what she likes and doesn't likes, even if she may hurt someone in the process. She knows every cat in the clans name, even the ones who dislike her upfront personality. She is incredibly loyal to her clan but has many friends outside of her own clan, even kittypet and rouge connections. She'd never consider leaving her clan, but some cats distrust her as they find she has more power then she lets on. Her opinions are easily influential if she can get the right people to agree. Her siblings stand by her, but sometimes they find they like to be closer together without her. she's always been the odd one out, but she doesn't mind, finding comfort in solitude. She has a wealth of knowledge in many topics, but especially the ones she's passionate about, like stopping the endless conflicts with other clans. She's quite smart and can be cunning if she wants to. Her personality is often mistaken for a social but less than smart cat, while in reality she could spin rumors so large it could ruin a cats life. She hates that she has that ability, as she can't comprehend doing anything with her social popularity other than spread the truth, and her truth, around the forest and mountains.
NATURE - Curious and Inquisitive
DRIVE/MOTIVE - To know everything and be able to share the truths with her clan and even the entire forest.
AGILITY - 89/100
STEALTH - 77/100
STALKING - 62/100
COMBAT - 56/100
HUNTING - 76/100
TACTICS - 75/100
SPEED - 82/100
STRENGTH - 61/100
STAMINA - 90/100
ENDURANCE - 72/100
CLIMBING - 97/100
KITTING - 78/100
BATTLE STRENGTHS - Amarylliscry is agile and has good stamina, she can't do big hits but focuses on doing a bunch of small damage and eventually winning a longer fight. She is also a reliable teammate and does well fighting in pairs, especially with bulkier fighters and defensive fighters.
BATTLE WEAKNESSES - Can't do many heavy hits and is light and easy to pin/hit far. Not good at fighting multiple enemies and can't do fast damage.
HUNTING STRENGTHS - Quick thinking and hard to spot, has a good hunting crouch and instinct for the preys whereabouts.
HUNTING WEAKNESSES - Easily distracted from her task at hand and can be loud when telling a story or arguing with someone, often disregards her settings when speaking about something passionately, meaning she's loud at gatherings, in the middle of camp, hunting, and importants moments like ceremonies.
OTHER STRENGTHS - Public speaking. She does not get anxiety over speaking in public and in fact enjoys it, happily using her time in the spotlight to address topics important to her or relevant to the conflict at hand.
KITHOOD - Amarylliscry was the first kit to successfully open her eyes in the litter of four. Her three siblings took longer, leaving Amaryllis to wander the camp and become quite curious about a matter of conflicts. She would often go back to the den and give a little speech to her littermates about what she saw that day and what interested her. She became passionate about stopping Peakclans many conflicts when her father, Fernsong, got fatally injured in a skirmish with some rouge cats.
PAWHOOD - Amarylliscry was an energetic and loud apprentice, often getting distracted from her duties by a new piece of information. Her siblings tolerated her, but many of the other apprentices found her annoying and distracting. Amarylliscry had only gotten into one fight as an apprentice and it gave her the signature ear scar she shows off today. When she was a paw her brothers and sisters always raves about being cats in positons of power, but Amarylliscry just wanted to be heard. She had excelled at hunting but often avoided physical fights unless directly ordered too. Fighting physically went against one of her beliefs, but she would challenge any cat to a debate anyday.
ADULTHOOD - When she was an apprentice, she partnered up with another young warrior, Hornetfire, but he eventually left her for another she-cat. Amarylliscry channeled her hurt from that relationship into become more of an influential figure amongst the younger cats of her clan. The opinions on her range from those annoyed about her loud nature to those who praise her curiosity and skill at speaking what she believes in. During her adult life both her mother and her father died, both from greencough.
FRIENDSHIPS - Just her siblings.
ENEMIES - none
PARENTS - Fernsong (father) Quillwhisper (mother)
LITTERMATES - Raindance, Vinecall, Celadineshine.
SIBLINGS - Raindance, Vinecall, Celadineshine.
KITS - None, yet.
PAST MATES - Hornetfire
FUTURE MATE - Stonespirit (former rouge)
LIKES IN MATE - Ability to be Candid, Thoughtfulness, Upfront.
DISLIKES IN MATE - Lying, Manipulating.
EXTRA/OTHER - Despite her impressive herb knowledge, Amarylliscry has never wanted to be anything more than a warrior. She never believed the life of a medicine cat was her path.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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