Chapter Nineteen.

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Peyton’s POV

I started to stir in my sleep, feeling very refreshed. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be blinded by light and I immediately closed them. I started to open them again, knowing what was waiting for me this time, and allowed my eyes to adjust to the light. I could see a green sheet covering some sort of entryway to where the light was a lot brighter.

Then my eyes focused more and noticed that the ‘sheet’ was cut into strips, and the ‘strips’ were just vines. I was back at the cave. Harry fucking Styles. That bastard brought me back here. But I don’t remember?

With that thought, my eyes grew wide. I probably passed out. Shit. Whenever I pass out, I never remember anything and act really silly, kind of like a drunk person. I hoped I just got hit in the head or something.

I sat up slowly, still waiting for the groggy feeling to shake off. I was leaning on my arms, supporting my weight as they were behind my body, and took in the area. There were no boys. I couldn’t help the smile that came upon my face as that thought came to mind. No boys meant I could leave and hope to find some way off this god-forsaken spit of land.

I stood up, feeling a bit dizzy, but I just shook it off. I started to walk towards the drop off, when something caught my eye. I noticed a bushel of bananas. I saw those bananas and had an internal debate. I hadn’t eaten anything since the last time I was on this island and I should eat something, just to give me a little bit of energy to get to the beach, but the calories. I didn’t want all those calories.

I stood there for a good minute having that debate; I decide to walk past them. I didn’t need the calories; they wouldn’t do this body any good. Not while I was still the size of a whale, anyways. Plus, I was sure the boys needed the energy more, they were still growing.

I only took more steps before I stopped again. I stopped to the sound of splashing. I found the missing boys. I could not go out there, not if I was trying to escape from them.

I knew I should stop running from them, but my body would not stop turning away from wherever they were. Plus, I was doing this for Niall. I knew he wouldn’t be happy with me. He thought he loved me, but I bet it was just infatuation. What was there to like about me? In all honesty, he didn’t even know that much about me. So, he couldn’t love me. You couldn’t love someone you didn’t know, that was why I didn’t believe in love at first sight.

I did believe you were in love when you know every little detail and secret about the person, and they still give you butterflies and sparks and all those happy, gushy romantic feelings. You were in love with someone when you knew they were not perfect, but it didn’t matter because their imperfectness was perfect for you.

I thought back to all those movies, when every cave had a hidden passage that led them to safety. I turned around and walked towards the back of the cave. The cave bent to the right a bit after a ways, so I was hoped it wasn’t a dead end. I kept looking over my shoulder every once in a while to make sure that no one secretly made their way over to me. As soon as I got to the corner, I looked one more time and disappeared around the corner.

It was still light, but it was dimmer because the light could only stretch so far behind the corner of the wall. I stayed close to side, my hand grazing upon it. When I first put my hand on it, I immediately pulled it back, but realized that it was just condensation. The island was incredibly hot and water had a way of attaching itself to surfaces.

As I ventured farther back into the cave, it started to get darker and darker. I was getting a little afraid, not of the dark itself, but of what lay within it. I looked up, wondering if there were any bats, but I didn’t see any. I wondered if any animals actually did live on this island. Probably not, seeing as though we had not come across any.

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