Mistaken- Part 1

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Author Note- This story is a fiction from my head. I consider this to be my 6th story I am putting here on Wattpad. I am using the BTS men as if they were actors in a movie. Some actions of the characters may be good or some bad. Please note it has nothing to do with real life in any way and I do not mean to hurt or offend anyone. It is a story only. I do have a few mature type themes in this and am putting a rating of adult on it. If you are not of the adult age please click off this. Also I put a warning for anything that might be a bit upsetting like smut and so on beforehand. This story has kidnapping, confinement, violence and other adult type themes. If you still want to read please do. I hope you like it. So here we go...

Mistaken- Part 1

They say everyone has a twin in the world somewhere! What if it were true and they were closer than you thought!

Years Ago In the Past- A woman came screaming in pain in the emergency entrance of the hospital. She was in full labor. The doctor on call assessed the situation and immediately sent her upstairs to the delivery room she was quickly prepped and sent to the operation theatre. One baby was born, which was a little girl who cried on delivery and seemed healthy. When the doctor realized afterwards that the woman was having twins it took a full 20 minutes for the second one, also a girl to be delivered. The late twin was smaller and identical but had no movement and the nurse took it away while the doctor tended to the new mother and checked the live child. The woman who had just given birth clung to the child that was alive in earnest, "Please protect my baby! Please don't let him find me." The doctor ordered a sedative since she was so hysterical. He needed her to calm down. 

The old nurse in charge after administering the sedative waited till the poor woman was calm and close to sleeping before leaving to check on her nurses. The young one she sent with the body of the deceased second girl twin to a separate room at the far end of the hall to be cleaned and dressed. The old nurse had to deal with this type of thing many times before and wanted to make sure the younger nurse was dealing with it as well as possible. It was not an easy thing but it happens in hospitals sometimes and this might be her first time for something so hard. She gave her a few minutes alone to deal with the situation.

Just then there was a big commotion of a man yelling at the nurses station. "Where is she?", he yelled. The old nurse in charge came running along with the doctor from another room down the hall. "Sir please lower your voice! We have new mothers in here and they need their rest. "Where the fuck is she?", the man demanded. "Sorry sir but I don't know who you are referring to?", the nurse behind the desk asked. The doctor immediately had the old nurse, who had just arrived to call security but it would take them a few minutes to get up to the floor. The man was obviously impatient and furious as he stated, "If you won't help me I will find her myself!". He then began to bust open doors of rooms one after another barging in each and looking for someone in particular. The old nurse was hot on his heels trying her best to stop him all the way. The man was big and looked rich but the small woman in her late 50s stood firm. "Sir tell me her name at least you are disturbing my patients." Finally he pushed her out of the way as he went to yet another room ignoring her as if she was just a stone in his way. "Found you! You thought you could escape me with my child?", he stated with red rimmed furious eyes. All of a sudden four men came down the hall behind him and invaded the room. The one security man at the front in uniform spoke up recognizing him right away, "Mr. Lee? Sir who are you to this woman?". The well dressed angry man spoke up again, "She is my mistress and that is my child she just had!", pointing to the woman and the small crib in the room. The man looked at the two security guards and motioned to his men behind him towards the woman. Then after he approached and took the small baby, his child, gently carrying her from the small bassinet the room. "Bring her!", he said pointing to the exhausted sleepy woman who had just given birth and was now showing pure fear on her face. The old head nurse came forward again, "Please sir you can't...". She was cut off as the man stated ,"Silence! I donate enough to own this hospital and I will do what ever in the hell I please!", he stated cutting off any further argument. With that the doctor motioned for them all to step aside as the imposing man and his two body guards took the woman down the hall and into the elevator along with the baby. The woman was seen from the window crying as she was bundled into the car along with the child and the domineering man.

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