Twists and Turns- Part 5

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Twists and Turns-Part 5

At The Kim's Shop- Over a week! It had been over a week now that YN was missing. The police had no clues or leads what so ever. Taehyung couldn't help but feel that they were stalling on the whole situation. One officer told him today they had small bits of information but mostly dead ends. Street cameras had even gone missing or been erased. They only learned that much since Jimin overheard a couple of employees talking about it in the coffee shop near the station. Finally one officer told them some tidbits thankfully. As for the leads but were still investigating and following up but it was slow but at least it was something but they weren't allowed to talk on anything due to the case. What the hell was taking so long? How hard was it to find one young decent girl like his sister who never got into trouble before. When he asked about the leads for her possible kidnapper, or if they looked into the man that tried to abduct her they just began to ignore him. They couldn't or wouldn't say anything. It was a frustrating process waiting day after day all for nothing and no news.

Thank God for Jimin and Lia! They showed up nearly everyday now. They put up with Tae's own depression or foul mood swings. Why they were still there was anyone's guess but they were the closest he had as family now that YN was missing and his parents gone. Deep down he loved both of them and couldn't keep the shop open without them at this point. Tae was so caught up in his own frustration today that he found it overwhelming and himself breaking down more and more as time passed. Those two were the only thing keeping him together and not losing hope more and more.

What ifs started in his thoughts today and he couldn't stop it. What if his sister was hurt or really was kidnapped? If so for what purpose? What if YN was killed and they never found her body? What if she never was able to come back? How long should he just keep hoping she would walk through that door any second only to be disappointed ever minute of every day when it didn't happen? He was scared of the possibilities racing through his mind, the fear of the unknown, and hurting so badly with each ticking of the clock! To top it off he was embarrassed today too. Earlier today Lia caught him in the kitchen this afternoon making doughnuts while balling his eyes out curled up on the floor. No girl should see something like that from him. He was taught it was a weakness for a man to cry. A man had to stay strong for those around him. His father told him that early on and now he was acting as the weak one. It hurt his own pride. Along with everything else, he also discovered today... he had feelings for that girl that saw it all. He had never acted on them before and considered Lia more of a friend/younger sister but today something changed all that and he finally realized it was a lot more.

The two ended up in a small kissing/make-out session in the middle of his small breakdown. Yes Tae knew Lia had a crush on him for years. YN had finally even told him about it and asked when he would act on it a few months ago. Tae wouldn't move on it since to him Lia was his sisters best friend. Today though he had been vulnerable and so deep in despair and clinging on to something to keep going. She was there when he needed someone most. She had hugged him and kissed his cheek a couple times. It felt so good! She fit in his arms so well. Tae began to see Lia in a new light since that happened. Tae was Jimin's best friend and he knew Jimin might not like it. But then Jimin was crushing on his own sister YN now for a while now and Tae knew that.

Tae wasn't in the right headspace today though. Was it just that Tae was feeling desperate that things turned out this way today? The last thing he wanted to do was hurt someone as sweet as Lia. Hell YN would never forgive him for hurting her bestie. Jimin would kill him if he hurt Lia his precious sister in any way like that. Tae had to be sure and right now he wasn't simply due to the situation he was in. Tae found himself looking at Lia constantly since that happened while working through the rest of the day. The way the sunlight hit her hair through the window as she pushed back the piece that fell from her messy bun. He wanted to take that small strand and put that part behind her ear. They had a intense look between them a few times making them both look at each other as if they were the only two in the room. Tae wanted to kiss Lia and hold her as his only lifeline and never stop. It was only the sound of the bell to the door opening at that moment that broke the spell between them as they gazed at each other from a few feet apart not moving. They quickly got out of their daze and back to work.

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