Chapter 535: Love Variety (14)

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  Lu Weiyi stood next to Cao Yuxin and snickered inwardly. Anyway, he didn't want to be paired with Song Mingke anymore.

  Bai Suchen's mouth curved slightly because of the boy's choice, and he gently held the boy's soft and white hand.

  Chi Bai'an grabbed the corner of his clothes and tilted his head to the other side.

  Today the boy is wearing a sky blue short-sleeved shirt. The style of the clothes is relatively wide, which makes him look a bit petite. Below he is wearing a pair of white shorts, revealing his slender white calves. On his feet are a pair of White sneakers.

  The boy, who was only 1.75cm tall, looked even more petite standing next to Bai Suchen, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall.

  Bai Suchen turned sideways slightly and got closer without Chi Bai'an noticing.

  Almost half of the young man's body was held in the man's arms, but he himself was still looking around, as if he didn't find anything wrong.

  Song Mingke finally formed a team with Lin Qingfu, and everyone stood in a row after forming good teams.

  "Today's activity is still an outdoor activity. I discussed it with the staff just now. We will not draw task cards this time. Instead, I will arrange the tasks in a unified manner."

  As he spoke, Director Lu took out six red envelopes from his bag, spread them out like a fan and displayed them in front of everyone.

  Director Lu distributed six red envelopes to each group from left to right.

  "What we are giving you now is the funds for this event. You need to use the money in the red envelope to buy a gift for your partner. The premise is that you cannot take the initiative to ask your partner what they like.

  Let me tell you in advance that we will hold a beach BBQ on the beach in the evening, and then you can exchange gifts with your partner. "

  Song Mingke frowned slightly. If he was buying a gift for a young boy, he would definitely be very attentive, but now he was buying it for Lin Qingfu...

  Chi Bai'an's face was full of thinking, as if he was seriously thinking about what kind of gift to prepare for Bai Suchen.

  Fortunately, the program team had distributed funds. He was already living in a rented house in a dilapidated area and didn't have much money in his bank account. He definitely couldn't prepare a good gift for Ah Chen.

  "What does An An like?"

  Hearing the voice, Chi Baian raised his head and met the man's gentle eyes.

  Little Rabbit was stunned, "I like everything Achen bought. You can't cheat."

  Bai Suchen chuckled lightly and looked at the young man with indulgent eyes.

  "Okay, what kind of gift is An An going to buy me?"

  He will like whatever the boy buys for him, he just wants to amuse the children.

  Chi Baian almost blurted out, but fortunately he covered his mouth at the critical moment.

  "Achen, don't try to trick me! You'll find out later in the evening."

  Chi Bai'an didn't think about the specific gift to buy Bai Suchen, but he had a general direction.

  There is an intangible cultural heritage on the small island, which is bamboo basket weaving.

  Before such advanced fishing technology existed in the past, coastal villages relied on making various tools to catch fish from the sea.

  It has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. Chi Baian wanted to see if there were any masters who taught this technique on the island.

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