Chapter 2: Welcome to pheonix drop

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Mystreet Dante stirred awake, covered in hastily wrapped bandages. His head was pounding. The smell of homemade cooking reminded him a little of his childhood as it wafted through the air. It was the only thing to dull the pain and the buzz in his head.

"Ah, good morning, I hope you're feeling better. You're lucky Miyuki found you when she did. She's not as young as she used to be, but she's as diligent as ever!" Nana cooed before sitting the freshly baked cookies on the coffee table in front of Dante. "Don't worry if you can't eat yet. Those rosebushes can be quite a pain sometimes."

Dante struggled to sit up before relenting to the old couch. When he focused, he saw how familiar Nana looked. "K- kawaii- Chan? Is that you? Am I dreaming? You look so old."

Nana chuckled softly. She would have commented about the mention of her age, but the man was clearly not in a good state for such things. "Oh my, nobody has called me that old work name in years. Please call me Miss Cárdenas. Have we met before? You seem like a nice young man."

Dante felt guilt creep in his chest. "I'm not really all that special... Hey, what did you say your name was again?"

"Oh, it's Nana Cárdenas, my husband is currently on patrol around Pheonix Drop. You two look very similar."

"Huh? what a coincidence... Like the school?" Dante winced as he pulled himself up and grabbed a cookie. Each bite melted in his mouth. It reminded him of KC's cooking, of course, but it also had a hint of his mom's secret recipe. He started eating the whole plate. He didn't really notice how hungry he was.

"My, you must be starving. No, I don't think it has anything to do with a school. It's just the name of the village, although this is just a safehold due to certain events... We also have a bit of a bandit problem, but Dante is out doing patrols right now. He's always so busy these days that I can't help but worry about him."


"Mom! Mom! Rollo and Lello put a worm in my hair!" Natsuko cried while holding the dirty slimy worm in her hands. "The poor worm. Woah! What happened to dad!?" She dropped the worm and pointed at the hurt guy.

"Um, Hi?... oh- oh my Irene!" Dante, still confused and dazed as ever, widened his eyes as the dots finally clicked together in his head. And with all the might of Lady Irene breaking a realm barrier. That pathetic blue man let out a guttural scream of the absolute freight train of emotions that collectively slamed into his chest. Causing Nana to jump out of her seat and Natsuko to try and out scream him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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