Chapter 3

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Every single person in the room stared at me as if I had just killed someone. 

The look Mr Styles was giving me was enough to drain the blood from my face.

He slowly approached me. His gaze not once left mine. He stood about two inches away from me and bent down so he was staring directly into my eyes. He didn't shout or scream, surprisingly. His lips hovered and touched my ear, he sucked in a breath; "Stay after class." 

He cockily strolled back to his desk as if nothing had happened.My heart was pounding. For the next hour he didn't even glance in my direction. Most students however, were glancing at me as if i was about to die. 

Eleanor whispered to me, "Do you have a death wish? What is wrong with you?" She had pure fear in her eyes. I simply brushed it off. I could handle him. He was just a man who had a strong need to be in control of every situation and didn't feel secure in his masculinity unless everyone around him cowered in fear.

The lesson ended and I definitely didn't want to stay with Mr Styles, so i planned to slip out of the room with the rest of the class. 

Although, it's hard to blend in when every other person is dressed in dark clothing and I am in a white dress. Plus, I'm taller than every single girl in the room. Oh well, I'll try anyway. In the middle of the crowd I almost got to the door. 

A strong hand gripped my waist with force. I was tugged back so hard I almost fell.

I looked up, of course it was Mr Styles. "Where do you think you're going?" His face was cold. 

"You think you can just stroll in here and behave like that?" He spoke so confidently. Like a man who owned the room.

"I merely felt the need to put you in your place, Mr Styles." I replied with the same amount of confidence, attempting to seem strong. A smirk formed on his lips. His eyes darkened. 

"Well, I think it's more fitting for me to put you in your place, hmm?" He whispered in an eerily calm voice. I didn't know what to say. I mean what do you say to that? I sucked in a breath and tried to steady my fearful breathing as he stepped directly in front of me, eyes boring into mine. "I..I" I stuttered. He walked away. "Your permanent seat is the desk in front of mine." He demanded, obtaining his intimidating demeanor. 

"Don't challenge me. You'll regret it." 

He stared at me with a smirk and continued; "You clearly don't understand how it works around here." 

I couldn't even look him in the eye. I was staring at my shoes, suddenly finding them very interesting. 

"I can see right through you." He bit his lip. "The way you shiver when I touch you." His voice was smooth and steady. "The way goose bumps appear on your skin." He was stepping closer to me, slowly. How vain of him. He was so arrogant it was unbelievable. 

Should he be saying these things to me? "You're very intriguing, Elizabeth." Is this the first time he had said my first name? It sounded beautiful coming from his lips.  Nobody had ever said anything like this to me. I hadn't even had a boyfriend before. I was speechless. 

"You may leave now." He turned around and walked back to his desk. I was quick to dart for the door and hurried down the corridor, trying to calm my nerves. He should not have been saying those things to me, surely. I hurried back to my room as I didn't have any more lectures today. 

This was a university, I thought to myself. Mr Styles was so unprofessional for a professor. He was a professor, I just couldn't believe it. Why did he have this effect on me? He was an absolute ass so why was I attracted to him? A million questions were rushing through my head, I hurried through the door and slumped on my bed. Where were the rest of the girls? I wondered. I picked up my all-time favourite book 'Pride and Prejudice' and looked at my watch. It's 12.30 and I'm not hungry for lunch yet. So I opened my book and got lost in the wonderful pages that I was all too familiar with.

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