13. Idol

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"Do you know who did this painting?" Noah asked the students passing by. But no one of them knew who made the painting.

Noah recognized the painting on the school noticeboard. It was the famous Sunset in Hues by his and his father's favorite painter Sage.

He was completely surprised that it was being exhibited just like that, as an award-winning painting in his school. The fact that his idol was just a teenager while making such an amazing painting surprised him more.

He was excited to realize that he was studying in the same school as his idol. He couldn't wait to meet his idol.

Sage's real name, Din Saran was written on a piece of paper that was attached to the notice board. But the problem was that nobody knew the person with the said name. It was like this person was way too low profile for others to recognize him.

He was looking around and saw a familiar face walking down the hallway. He rushed to the student and stopped him on the tracks. "Swadee, aren't you that kid who sits next to that Kiryu guy?"

He knew Kiryu because the taller guy always gave him unfriendly gazes whenever they ran into each other. Not to mention that the latter was giving his Papa a tough competition on all fields, be it curricular or extra curricular activities.

Din nodded his head timidly. He had been bullied by Kiryu's fans when the latter was not with him. This made him fearful of people approaching him.

"That means we are classmates!" Noah cheered. He grabbed Din's hand. "I am new here na and I am looking for someone. Can you give me a hand?"

Din was hesitant to answer. There were instances when people asked him for help and he agreed, only to make a fool of himself.

"Actually, I was looking for the person who painted that painting." Noah pointed at the painting on the noticeboard. "By any chance, do you know who this Din Saran is? I have been asking around to everyone here. But no one seems to know who he is." He was distressed not being able to find his idol.

"T- That's me," Din said softly.

"Huh?" Din's voice was so soft that Noah didn't hear him.

"It's me. I am Din Saran." Din said in a slightly higher decibel than the previous one.

Noah's eyes went wide as he stared at Din "REALLY???"

His scream attracted the attention of all the students passing by. Upon realizing what he had just done, he apologized to everyone profusely and turned his attention back to Din. "Are you really Din Saran? The one who did that painting?"

"Yes, I am," Din showed his student ID to him.

"Din Saran Sitham?" Noah looked at the ID and then at Din's face.


"Are you related to Khun Pakorn Sitham by any chance?" Noah asked seeing the familiar surname.

"Yes. He is my Dad."

"What?" Noah couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe that the chubby-cheeked guy was the son of the scientist who invented the time machine and sent him back in time.

Noah did remember the old man pouring out his regrets that he never supported his son and his dream to be an artist and how he and his son had parted ways on bad terms. In the end, his son had unlived himself at an young age due to depression, making him live the rest of his days drowning in sorrow.

Noah never expected that the old man's son and his idol were the same person.

"Can I have your autograph?" He asked excitedly. He could practically jump up to Din and hug him. But he didn't want to scare his idol away.

"Eh?" Din blinked in confusion. He couldn't understand why Noah looked so excited about him being the one who painted the painting.

"I mean, can we be friends?" Noah asked. What would be better than being able to be friends with his idol?

"Sure." Despite having a conflicted thoughts on his mind, Din agreed to him.

Till date no one had tried to be his friend other than Kiryu. He wasn't the kind that was good at making friends either. He did want to make more friends, but was doubtful about Noah's intentions.

"Then-" Growl.

Noah's stomach growled in hunger, making him feel embarrassed in front of his idol. He smiled awkwardly. " Have you had your lunch?"

Din shook his head. He was on his way to the canteen when Noah stopped him.

" Great! Let's go together! " Noah hooked his hand around Din and headed to the canteen.

On the way he asked Din all the questions he had about the painting. Since the topic of discussion was of his interest, Din too responded actively. The two them were having a good time when a bunch of students surrounded them.

Noah was irritated from being interrupted but he didn't show it on his face.

"Since Kiryu is busy, did you find a new one behind his back? " The leader of the group asked.

Din started panicking. This bunch had often bullied him in the past when he was alone. When Kiryu came into picture and they tried to bully him, the taller guy had taught them a lesson that they would never forget.

They had spread rumors about him and Kiryu being gay and many vulgar things about the two of them. Then again, thanks to Kiryu, he wasn't affected much. Kiryu had dealt with everything for him.

But now that Kiryu was not around, the bullies were stirring up trouble again.

They kept making gross comments about Din and Noah, hi-fiving each other when one of them made a comment.

Their actions made the group the center of attraction in the whole canteen.

Noah noticed that Din was visibly disturbed by those comments. The words spewed by the bullies were starting make his blood boil. He couldn't let anyone insult his idol.

He took a step forward, transform into his aura into a mighty one. As someone who was raised to be the next heir of the Thanachart family, his aura didn't lose to his father.

Noticing the change, the bullies except the leader stepped backward. The leader was too busy insulting Din that he didn't notice Noah's movements.

Noah walked forward and grabbed the back of the leader's neck. The leader felt a sudden chill run down his spine.

Noah bend him over the table. " You really have got a nice ass. " He commented with a scoff.

The leader tried to protest but Moah held him down with force.

" Don't you guys think so? " Noah lifted the leader's uniform jacket a bit so that the audience could get a clear view of the latter's round ass.

Nobody dared to say anything. They were afraid of both Noah and the bully.

"Let go of me! " The bully struggled.

"Calm down, darling. " Noah held him down by force. Despite having a tiny physique, he was really strong. "Didn't you and your come forward to us so that you could offer you ass to us?" He leaned to the bully's ears and whispered. "We will surely give you a good time. " He loosened his grip.

The bully took the chance to shake him off and ran away in anger. He knew that Noah meant what he said.

His followers ran along with him.

"Where are all of you running off to? Don't you want to offer your asses to us? " Noah called out from behind, but the group didn't dare stop.

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