Ch 29: Adrenaline

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No! This can't be happening. Naza's mind raced with disbelief as she hurried towards the palace, refusing to accept the unfolding events.

The gates have been torn down, and the guards were sprawled across the ground, their minds clouded by the toxic air that had consumed the Kingdom.

Shanika's yowl caught her attention, prompting her to rush towards the Queen's chamber. There, she found Shanika laying on the floor of the Queen's chamber, next to Ada who was busy undoing the spell that had formed a dome around the Palace.


As the guests approached the mystical palace nestled deep beneath the ocean's surface, they were awestruck with its ethereal beauty. The shimmering walls of coral and pearl, bathed in the soft glow of bioluminescent creatures that drifted lazily through the water.

Despite the vast expanse of the ocean that surrounded them, the guests found themselves able to breathe effortlessly, thanks to the strange enchantment that enveloped the palace. Each breath they took filled their lungs with the cool, refreshing embrace of the sea, allowing them to explore this underwater realm with ease.

Led by Queen Azureth, they glided through the grand halls of the palace, their senses awash with wonder at the sights that surrounded them. Colourful schools of fish darted past them, their scales shimmering in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the water above.

As they delved deeper into the heart of the palace, they discovered hidden chambers adorned with treasures beyond imagination—ancient artifacts, exquisite jewels, and priceless works of art that spoke of a civilization long forgotten by the world above.

With each passing moment, the guests found themselves enchanted by the beauty and mystery of this underwater kingdom, their hearts filled with awe and reverence for the Queen who ruled over it.

And as they continued their exploration, they knew that they were witnessing something truly magical—a world hidden beneath the waves, where wonders beyond compare awaited those brave enough to seek them out.

Naza sat next to Dion, with Queen Azureth in front of them. She was relieved that the siren she was trying to steer clear of was no longer in the ocean. Or maybe, she's good at hiding. Naza thought.

With the elaborate ceremony for Queen Azureth concluded, the time had come for the rulers to convene and discuss matters of importance. Leila took her place beside Dion, her presence a comforting presence amidst the weighty discussions that lay ahead.

All of them, including Queen Azureth's two husbands and a wife, were gathered around the magnificent table, adorned with intricately carved designs and shimmering with the light of enchanted crystals, and finally, the conversation between the rulers of the two Kingdoms began.

Following an extensive conversation, Queen Azureth finally agreed to allow the people to journey across the sea. However, she had a condition- that they must not include any men.

Even though the guests weren't satisfied with the condition, they gave in. It was better than nothing so they agreed to it. Should a man dare to step foot on the sea, it was up to Queen Azureth to decide the fate of the lawbreaker.

After the discussion, both parties joined in celebration to mark their first meeting. Their three-week journey was coming to an end on a good note and finally, they were heading back to their Kingdom.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the rolling hills, the guests prepared to journey back to the Kingdom.

As they gathered their belongings and bid farewell to their gracious hosts, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The journey ahead promised to be long but filled with stories to share upon their return.

Despite the fatigue that lingered from their travels, their spirits were high as they set out on the road once more.

As they traversed through the familiar lush forests and winding rivers, the landscape seemed to come alive with the promise of home. Each passing mile brought them closer to the familiar sights and sounds of the Kingdom they cherished dearly.

With hearts full of anticipation, the guests pressed onward, eager to reunite with loved ones and share the tales of their grand adventure.

As the caravan rolled along the winding path towards the Kingdom, Naza's heart beat with a rhythm of its own. Her thoughts wandered to her beloved, waiting patiently for her return, and to the little one she had left behind, nestled safely in the care of trusted guardians.

With each passing mile, her yearning grew stronger, aching to hold her lover in her arms once more and to shower her son with kisses and tender embraces.

Memories of their laughter and the warmth of their home flooded her mind, fueling her determination to reach them as swiftly as possible.

Though the journey seemed endless, Naza found solace in the thought of their reunion, drawing strength from the love that bound them together across the distance. With every step closer to the Kingdom, her anticipation soared, carrying her forward with a fierce determination to be reunited with her family once more.

As the travelers approached the Kingdom, excitement mixed with concern churned within their hearts. From a distance, the grandeur of the palace was unmistakable, yet a foreboding sight marred the horizon.

Queen Dion, Rosaline and Naza exchanged worried glances as they noticed a strange phenomenon enveloping the palace—a dark dome, swirling with an ominous energy around the Kingdom.

Their hearts sank with dread as they realised that something sinister had befallen their beloved Kingdom. The once vibrant and welcoming palace now stood shrouded in a suffocating veil, its splendor tainted by the encroaching darkness.

Dion ordered Rosaline to carry Leila to Naza's pack house in the forest where she'd be much safer. And before Dion could leave, Leila grabbed her shirt by the sleeve. "Please, be safe," Leila pleaded, her eyes full of emotions.

Feeling the weight of Leila's plea, Dion's heart clenched with a mixture of love and concern. Her beloved's warm brown eyes, filled with unspoken fears, tugged on her heart, urging her to stay by her side.

Naza had already sped off towards the palace but Dion, unable to resist the pull of Leila's touch, leaned down, pressing her lips tenderly against her lover's, a silent promise of her return.

As they lingered in each other's embrace, Dion whispered words of reassurance, her voice soft and soothing against Leila's ear. "I will return to you, my love," she vowed, her gaze locked with Leila's.

With a final, lingering kiss, Dion reluctantly tore herself away, her heart heavy with the weight of their parting. But even as she departed, her thoughts remained tethered to Leila. And with every step she took, she carried with her the memory of their embrace, a source of strength to carry her through the dangers that awaited her.

Rosaline's mind raced as she dashed through the dense forest, her senses sharpened by the urgency of her mission. With Leila safely cradled in her arms, she pushed herself to move even faster, her golden eyes gleaming with determination.

Thoughts of Ada consumed her mind, driving her forward with a singular purpose—to ensure the safety of the one she held dear. Every rustle of the leaves, every whisper of the wind, heightened her senses as she navigated through, her instincts guiding her towards her destination.

As she approached Naza's pack house hidden within the depths of the forest, a sense of relief washed over her. Here, amidst the ancient trees and sheltering shadows, Leila would find refuge from the looming threat that had descended upon the Kingdom.

Without hesitation, Rosaline gently placed Leila down, ensuring she was comfortable and safe before bidding her a swift farewell. With a reassuring smile, she promised to return soon, her resolve unwavering as she turned to continue her journey.

With her Queen's lover now secure, Rosaline's thoughts turned once more to Ada, her heart heavy with concern for her lover's well-being. With each stride, she vowed to protect Ada at all costs, to stand by her side and shield her from the dangers that lurked in the darkness.

A/n Miss me? The story is coming to an end. So hang in there.

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