Chapter 2

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Within the first 30 minutes of being there, I took note of a flashing object hovering above the first hill, of which I had initially visited. Zooming in with my new camera, I assessed that my annoying fans were flying a drone around in the sky. For the next few minutes, I watched the drone fly in the direction of my house, before stopping at a point in the air, pointing the camera at my house and hovering for a while, before heading back again. Beyond livid, I got out my phone to call the police on the fans, before I spotted something in the night sky. Hovering in the distance, three smaller glowing lights formed a triangle as they slowly made their way across the sky. My camera captured the whole ordeal, amazing me in the process. After a while, I noticed a military-grade laser pointer, from the camp of the fans.

They were shining their laser right at the three lights in the sky, causing it to start turning to it's right. As the laser turned off, a fourth light illuminated from between the three lights, shining down a gigantic spotlight towards the hill. I could hear the fans gasping and laughing as the triangular from afar as the craft soared closer and closer. Suddenly, the spotlight faded away and the ship turned, before floating off towards the horizon. The fans cheered ecstatically as I flipped my camera closed, before heading home with the footage.

While packing my camera into my bag, a sort of siren sound became audible to me in the distance, to which I looked over and saw that the craft was returning with speed. The fans started shining even more lasers at the craft, to which the craft started shining it's middle light back at them. They started playing their guitars, jumping around the fire. I whipped out my camera, set it back on my tripod and started filming again. The craft slowed to a halt above them, before sounding a siren-like sound to the fans. Some of them screamed, others turned off their flashlights. The craft's central light shone brighter and brighter, until the whole crowd started to scream amidst the bright light.

A great, big fire emerged out of the center, which made me audibly gasp. The fire grew larger and larger, before engulfing the fans, causing most of them to flee. Whipping out my phone, I went to call 911, to find that my call wouldn't connect. Sitting there in silence, I watched as the fans burned, before several police sirens sounded on the horizon. The craft sounded the siren-like noise from before yet again, before tilting upwards and accelerating into the sky. In absolute shock and horror, I turned my camera off, threw it in my car without taking it off the tripod, and took off down the dirt road. Instead of heading home that night, I went past the turnoff and decided to keep on driving.

Thinking of where to go, I came to the conclusion that there was only one person I trusted at this time: Davey. Speeding through the streets, I arrived outside of his house and banged on his door, despite it being nearly 5am at this point. "Hey Trippy, what're you doing here?" he casually asked through some sort of intercom, on the wall adjacent to his front door. "Davey, please let me in, I have some crazy footage here," I started. "Are you off of your meds or something?" he asked, "Has that Luther or Trevor fellow been around again?". Feeling defeated, I frustratingly smacked his door, before turning around and heading off. "Wait, wait, wait... You can come in" Davey said through the intercom. I turned back around as he opened the door, dressed in a night gown, which he quickly tied closed. "What do you have for me?" he asked.

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