Updated Hypno

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Here is the official redesign of my version of Hypno! Petparty123

Here is the official redesign of my version of Hypno! Petparty123

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Information about her (my headcannon):

Real name: Willow Blackwood

Age: 16 (headcannon Robin the same age)

Height: 5'5 ft (Robin is 5'4ft)

Favorite color: Green, Red, Black, Pink(surprisingly but not saturated pink)

Powers: Illusions, Mind Control, Super Strength

Crush: Robin (now lover)

She is the anti-hero of the Teen Titans. She is a Meta-human.

This is the gacha version, but I've changed a few things like her outfit.

This is the gacha version, but I've changed a few things like her outfit

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Here's her without her coat and mask(on the left only)

Here's her without her coat and mask(on the left only)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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