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"Come on man, pass the ball you idiot" Jerry yells at me but I don't pass the ball to him. I kept kicking it on the beach sand, using my legs to dribble the other guys from the opposite team who were trying to come get the ball from me.

I was close to the net and once I saw I was free, I kicked the ball and it met the ball net without any hindrance.

"Goal!!" Came the roars from the other boys, one of them ruffled my messy curl and another hugged me from behind but I wasn't as happy as them. I was only trying to catch my breath.

"Idiot, you always want to show off" Jerry walks towards me. He's been one of my close pals since childhood. He used to be short and chubby then and a girl once rejected him and stuffed ice cream on his face for being too fat but I'm shocked and at the same time proud of how much he's changed now.

This motherfucker is now taller than me, good body, and a well-sculpted face. All the girls want to be with him now.

"Don't be pained Jerry, you might be taller and maybe a little bit more handsome than I am but I'm a better football player" I told him as I walked to sit on the beach bench and then picked up my filled-up water bottle.

"A little? I think we both need to stand in front of a mirror to confirm something" He sat beside me with an annoying smirk on his face.

I might have forgotten to say Jerry didn't just grow handsome but cocky too. "Whatever" I scoff,  pick up my backpack, and stand up.

Jerry stands up too. "Hey man there would be a party this Sunday. Will I see you there?"

"I'm not sure" I shrug.

"Come on men you have to be there, I'll be there too and you I'm not so comfortable with the other boys" he begs.

"We'll see" I reply with another shrug before walking away. Playing ball on the beach with Jerry was what I enjoyed doing since childhood. A lot of things have happened. I've discovered lots of things about myself that I probably shouldn't have but I'm glad I still have Jerry with me.

Saturday evening, I should just go straight to bed and not listen to the conversation of two sixteen years old girls but here I am, resting against their door with my ears pressed on the door as I listen to Taylor trying to teach Dove how to sneak into a party that isn't meant for them.

"You'd cover yourself up with a huge coat and we would tell our moms that we are going for a night library," Taylor says.

"But we just vacated school" Dove tried to reason with her that her whole summer study idea wasn't the best.

"Then what? I would have suggested we fly the window if only you were not too scared" Taylor scoffs.

"Not too scared? It's like three floors. Climbing is like calling for straight death so no thank you!" Dove disagrees.

"Come on, Benny invited you, he will be with you for the whole night" Taylor pulls on Dove's shirt, trying so hard to convince her.

Who the fuck is Benny?

"We don't know him" Dove groans.

"You don't always know your boyfriend before they become your boyfriend" Taylor is starting to annoy me and I held back from bursting into that door to step in.

"You're being so delusional" Dove sounded tired.

"At least he can even take you out of the V club members" Taylor didn't have to say more because that one statement got me bursting the door open and watching them freeze like how a cat does it after stepping on electricity.

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