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I was explaining my explanation to horikita,then I went to sleep when suddenly a notice came

Everyone come to the theatre at 3pm sharp otherwise there will be penalty

I wondered what could be the reason perhaps there is a special exam but no this is holiday then what could be the matter
I decided to go ,there i could see most of the students already sitting,only horikita manabus class was not there as they already graduated ,two days ago it was the last time that I saw him now i guess i will see after two years if possible
I signed
I saw kei there she eyed me saying to sit close to her, i guess no choice
Just when I sat with kei suddenly matshushita sat near me
But why maybe because of mental arithmetic that's the only reason I can think of
Suddenly shinohara came and sat near kei and sato sat near matshushita ,damn now it's feeling a little awkward
Teacher mashima appeared on stage and said
"Dear students there will be videos shown to u all about future and the respective leaders of all the upcoming second years will decide from whose perspective u want to see"
Ooh a future telecasted video ,what will they show i hope my peaceful life don't get disturbed
Suddenly matshushita faced and asked me
"What do u think will be shown in this video's ayanokoji Kun"
"Who knows"
Shinohara faced her and said
"Matshushita San are u and ayanokoji Kun friends?"
"No we simply were seated beside hkm so I asked his opinion"
"Aaah I see"
"Leaders please come forward after discussing with ur classmates"

So ehow ryuen and sakayanagi without any discussion went and I have an idea why

"Ok who do u choose"
They both looked at each other
"Ryuen Kun seems like u r going to choose him am I right"
"Kukuku ofcourse I will rather die than listen to a boring person"
Suddenly ibuki stopped him,
"Ryuen do u know what ur doing,discuss with us first about this matter"
"Kukuku no need,u already know it"
Wait are u going to choose him"

"Now then tell me the names"
They both looked at each other and replied
"Ayanokoji kiyotaka"
After this the whole atmosphere went silent

Everyone's eyes were on me and nobody could speak a work
Then ike broke the silence
"Dude why did they select u ?"
Shinohara:yaa ayanokoji why ,did u know them
Matshushita:i thought so that he is not normal and holding back that even the class leaders know about him
Matshushita:maybe they all knew about him in commanding exam and since he didn't change his expression maybe they want to know his thoughts don't u guys think?
Ike: yaa now that u see we didn't see him change his expression ,i guess it may be interesting
Horikita:class d gather
Keisei:horikita san whom are u going to choose
Horikita:ayanokoji Kun
Sudo:but suzune let's see it from ur perspective
Horikita:do u doubt my decision
Sudo : no
Horikita: mashima sensei I will choose ayanokoji Kun
Keisei :but why did u choose him our class affairs will be shown,
Horikita:please yukimurakun it's my personal request
Hirata:let's listen to horikita she has always helped the class
Kei :yaa
"Ok if horikita says so"
We all went to our respective seats
"Since three classes already name common therefore class b no need to reply,since it will be now shown from ayanokoji perspective"
I don't know why but ichinose san looked very happy but why

Ok now let's begin the session

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