the archery 2

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“You're amazing, Senpai. It's frustrating, but I lost, didn't I?”
“The rules helped me in many ways. The target was close, but if it had been
the regular rules where we had to take turns, it wouldn't have been strange for the
game to go either way.”
Once Amasawa had a fixed score of 57, she couldn't make any other moves.
She had no choice but to surrender to my results.
“I was trying to put pressure on you, but it didn't work, did it?”
I had blocked out all the surrounding noise, so I didn't know.

I don't know why but now all r staring at me as if I m an alien

Ryuen:kukuku ayanokoji what did u mean by blocking noise,u clearly didn't use ear plugs

This guy just wants to see me suffer
Ayanokoji: i don't know,it's the future may be i actually didn't really care about the noise that kouhai was making

Ryuen:kukuku ofcourse this bastard is lying,he is clearly not normal,i already got a taste of his strength,ayanokoji can't wait to defeat u kukuku

Horikita:u were thinking as if like u didn't realise if she was disturbing u

Honestly this girl,i don't know why she just asks questions,is it because I lost the chess match,and challenged her for written exam,

Ayanokoji:how will I know horikita its the future


Matshushita:clearly he is hiding something,this karuizawa case and mental arithmetic,now also archery ,clearly he is more than he lets on,he maybe on my level

Sakayanagi:of course ayanokoji kun is lying,he is already experienced in whiteroom to adapt to various conditions,after all he is the masterpiece

“You hadn’t practiced archery other than yesterday's game, right?”
“I watched some tutorial videos in the middle of the night.”
Not just archery, but everything I experienced at the camp.
“It's amazing that you can produce results like that. Nagumo-senpai might
get angry.”
Even though she lost, Amasawa scored 57 points, so Nagumo probably
couldn't blame her.

Ok I guess now the questions will come,again everyone are watching me as if for an explanation,honestly why does my future self let's his GUARD down

Akito:kiyotaka,did u really practice just by watching the videos, i have given like 1year and even i can't do that at that level

Katsuragi:yaa to just be at a professional level,if it's not for the thoughts ,i wouldn't have believe but I still have suspicions

Ichinose:u r impressive ayanokoji kun  i always knew he is far more than he lets on but this is impressive,somehow talking to him makes me relaxed and makes me forget about the final exam losses

Hondou:u bastard why r u lying

Miyamoto:yaa u shameless

Matshushita:how could he lie in his own thoughts

Horikita:are u two retards doubting ur own classmate

Shinohara:sorry to say horikita san,but i support both of them,it's impossible to be such a high level just by practicing


Hirata: guys I think for now we should watch the videos afterwards we can discuss things in private

Everyone digested yoususkes words and sat there silently while others can't believe if it is really possible to master archery by watching the videos

Kanzaki:from this video's,he has great adaptability at doing things if what in the video is said true,but still I don't know his academics or physical abilities except running,but if he proves to be a threat then I have to warn ichinose to stay away from him

Ryuen:kukuku i must admit this monster has great adaptibility,if not for the strength he shown me in rooptop, i wouldn't have believed it,just wait u monster i will defeat u

Sakayanagi: i can understand that his adaptability will be greater than any of us but this is on another level truly an undeniable masterpiece

Ichinose:ayanokoji kun is really amazing to just master an art by watching videos,

Nagumo: I think now I can understand why horikita senpai showed him so much attention,let's see again what happen ,I need to find more information

Ibuki, who had been watching from afar, blatantly looked away in boredom.
Horikita won against Yanagi, Amasawa lost but scored an overwhelmingly
high score, and then I won against Amasawa. It must not have been interesting at
“It wasn't risky at all. You were so consistent...”
After watching Amasawa return to report to her group, Hashimoto expressed
his admiration.
“But she was strong after all.”
The archery match between Nagumo’s group and Kiryūin’s group ended
with one loss and four wins.
“Indeed. They were worthy opponents, the top contenders, but it was a close
Morishita, who had given it her all, showed a satisfied look on her face.
By the way, the only one who scored a total of six points and suffered a big
loss in this game was Morishita.

Muffled laughs could be heard as they all remembered that I said it would be a sinking and that's how it turned out to be

Ryuen: i remember she was the one who said it will not be a sinking ship kukuku

Sakayanagi:it's okay morishita san ,atleast u tried

Ryuen: kukuku look at loli supporting her classmate,i bet u can't even lift the bow kukuku

Sakayanagi:well daragon boy it also requires brain to practice archery which u unfortunately lack fufufufu

Ichinose:guys let's stop fighting

Ryuen:kukuku look at this naive fool after losing pathetically u still have energy left to speak

Kanzaki:ryuen u bastard

Kanzaki stood up and was about to attack ryuen when mashima sensei spoke

Mashima:kanzaki if u fight ur class will be deducted by 100 points

Kanzaki even though reluctant sat down but glared at ryuen but ryuen just shrugged it off

Mashima : ok be ready for the next video

(Guys sorry it got delayed to some circumstances,so now for the next video from year 2 volume11
amasawa and nagumo confrontation
Ayanokoji and koenji confrontation
Horikita asks ayanokojis help for fighting
Ayanokoji and nagumo bet
Ryuen ,utomiya,hosen,tokito confrontation,
Ryuen and sakayanagi expulsion bet
Which of the above would u like for the next chap,please comment below)

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