Chapter 2- Amy's view

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   From that day on Emily stopped talking to Amy for good. And Amy was sad but she thought Emily was too. Amy was trying to find out what Emily was doing after school because after school Emily was always running off behind the school. So one time Emily went and Amy followed. It turns out that Emily was hanging out with someone from the Rival School. But they were just talking about random stuff it didn't mean they were best friends. So Amy didn't really take it too personally she just went home and did her homework. The next day in school they had math class together this time Amy got an A on her test and Emily got a f on the test. Then in English when Amy got all her Pages done because now they were writing 11 page informational paper and Emily got no Pages done she got one word done and that's it. This time when Emily got into attention after school Amy didn't come she didn't want anything bad to happen so she just went home. Emily was actually mad cuz she thought that Amy would come. Because Emily bought the friends are supposed to be friends and look out for each other Emily didn't care that last time she was rude to her she just wanted her here now because she didn't know what she was going through.

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