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I swear to every god, you and me are the perfect examples of siblings 💀. We're so alike, like in almost everything. And yet we "fight" almost ever hour and then forget abt it ten minutes later 😍. That's the kinda relationship I want with siblings! Do ya remember how we met? I mean ik you existed but our first convo was when Carlotta told me abt Percy and then you pmed me- That was hilarious- Not us two fangirling when we didn't even know each other 😭- and then we kinda just fell out of contact- and then alyvia added me to your GC 😍. you totally hated me being there at first, but over time we got so so close. remember that promise? gods that meant so fucking much to me. And now we're inseparable. our friendship means everything to me- remember when you called me your older sister? oh gods- I was so fucking happy- y'know my family's never treated me right- and to have you call me your sister- isteg my thoughts were "what have I done to deserve this?" And honestly, you're a little sister to me- you're so fucking important to me so so so much. and omgs you're so chaotic- not all of the random shit you say- what is this I hear abt Dora being a furry 😭? But I cant even explain how much I love you, like I cant say it in words-

woooow I was so different back then ngl, anyways here we are againnn.  bitch, idek where to start with you, imma end up rambling on and on 💀 the memories I have with you are for sure some of my favorite ones, you always get me to smile and, its not even that, just talking to you makes me feel so loved and special 😭

  when we sit down and talk about those like random ass things that if we said to anyone else we would probably be banished is one of my favorite things to do and I'm always so nervous but then you say you feel the same and I feel a thousand times better, bc it helps to talk about it and know someone has the same opinion as I do, 

and getting to that it seriously terrifies me Peyton how similar we are- like its so fucking rare for us to have a different opinion, or view on smth, and even our habits. like, out of everyone you're the one who I connect to the most and I trust you with anything. like there's literally almost nothing I dont tell ya, and even if you don't find out right away you're gonna find out eventually.

 and like it feels good to know that I mean as much to someone as they mean to me. I'd fight for ya through anything and ik you would fight for me through anything too. it makes me feel so much more loved, and wanted. and ik I shouldnt take it this way, but when you say you'd die for me and the day you made that promise? I felt so much better, because it showed how much you truly fucking care and I don't want you to die for me, but the fact that someone would? well that just makes me feel so much better.

 I ignore practically everyone, either bc I'm reading and don't wanna stop or smth like that, but I literally never ignore you. I cant 😭 and the 'fight' we had? I wish we never had it, we were both such idiots. me thinking you hated me, and you thinking I hated you again goes to show how similar our mindsets are I guess 💀

and our fights, oml we fight sm atp they aren't even fights. but again, its one of my favorite parts of our relationship. and the fact that we both go to back to talking like absolutely nothing happened 💀

and our private messages, omfg. the shit we say on there istg. we talk about every possible thing and if they ever got leaked we would both be dead or in an asylum- atleast we'd be together 😍

anyways, all this to say you're very literally my life support. I love you so much, to bits and pieces <3

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