Chapter 22 - Let's not talk about it

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Fuck, I'm nervous. What if she doesn't show up again? As soon as we're out on the ice, I'm looking for her.

My eyes scan every inch of the arena until they finally land on the most beautiful woman there. My entire body relaxes and I ignore everything else and skate over to her. She's looking out over the ice, her eyes flittering from one player to the next. My heart almost breaks at how innocent and lost she looks.

When I remove my helmet, she notices, and her entire body loses the nervousness, and she smiles.

She's standing right next to the boards, and I come to a halt in front of her. Normally, I'd hit the board, but I refuse to do anything that might scare her off. So I stop as gently as possible.

"Hi," I say loudly so she'll hear me.

She raises a hand. She's wearing a thin hoodie and I wonder if she was worried I'd forget.

I didn't.

I reach under my jersey and pull out an identical one to the one I'm wearing.

"Here." I toss it over to her.

She grabs it, and her cheeks redden a bit. But maybe it's just the cold.

"Thank you," she says and unfolds it. She pulls it on and adjusts her hair. It's big on her, but fuck, she looks delicious.

"Spin around." At first she looks confused, then she understands and turns her back to me, holding her hair to the side so I can see my name branding her.

I want to tell her it's perfect, but I'm unable to speak. She smiles at me and I realize I was wrong. Her smile is perfection. Fuck whatever shirt she's wearing. Or not wearing. I still can't believe I've seen her tits.

"Preston." JD's voice is loud and demanding. I grimace.

"I have to go. See you later?"

She nods. "See you later."

I join JD and start my warm up routine, constantly aware of her looking at me.

We win the game. There was never any doubt in my mind that we would. Fuck if I'm going to embarrass myself in front of Lily. I played better than I ever had, and maybe a bit rougher.

After the game, I'm antsy to get out of there. I want to see her again. I don't like the idea of her waiting for me all alone outside. Maybe I should have asked JD if Morgan could keep an eye out for her?

When I finally leave the Den, the first people I see are my parents. I blink to make sure I'm not seeing things.

I had no idea they'd be here. I didn't even notice them in the audience, not that my eyes strayed much from Lily.

I look around and spot Lily walking up to me.

"Congratulations," she says with a smile.

"Thanks." They're on their way toward me.

"You played really well," Lily says. "But I have to admit, it was a bit scary how rough it is."

"Oh, yeah." I smile at her, but instantly my eyes are back on my parents.

"I was worried you might get hurt."

She steps closer, biting her lip and if it were any other time, I'd be kissing her in an instant.


"Yeah, sorry. Hockey is a rough sport. But don't worry, I can take it."

There's someone else with my parents. He steps out from behind them and I recognize my cousin.

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