Chapter 8

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Pov viola
Viola sits in the cafeteria with aria , rivy and Romeo "hey Vivi are you paying attention?"asked aria "what uhm no sorry"said viola "is okay we were talking about we should go to the funfair tonight with eachother wouldn't that be fun?"asked aria "uhm I don't know" "come on it is gonna be amazing" said aria "it is is gonna be so fun"said Romeo looking at viola "uhm okay then"said viola "yes yes so fun, so 3 pm at your house to do our make ups and hair?"asked aria "yeah sure that's fu-" viola stops talking because she sees naya walking into the cafeteria looks for a place to seat "I'll be right back okay"said viola standing up and walking to naya

"Hi naya right?"asks viola "hey yeah what's up?"asks naya "can I ask you some questions"asked viola "about?" "Celia Garcia"said viola "no sorry , I wouldn't even talk about her until she's dead"said naya iritated "please theyre just vieuw"said viola hoping for a yes "fine"

V; your name is

N: naya wards why

V: okay so I have heard you hate Celia why is that?

N: because she's a bitch , she used to bully my little sister on the streets

V: oh

N: yeah oh so can I go?

V: two more question okay?

N: fine

V : have you talked to her on the day of the fire

N: yeah I told her she's a little bitch and she deserves to die

V: Ohw , uhm and do you have coopers number?

N: cooper Campbell

V: mhm that one

N: yeah why

V: can you give it to me?

N: if I do , can I leave them

V: yea

"Thank you for talking to me"said viola but naya already walked away , she was clearly not in the mood of anything .

After school aria and viola immediately go to violas house to get ready for tonight "okay so what are we gonna do first , hair or make up"asks viola "outfits duh"said aria

After school aria and viola immediately go to violas house to get ready for tonight "okay so what are we gonna do first , hair or make up"asks viola "outfits duh"said aria

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Viola outfit

 Aria outfit

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Aria outfit

"Who keep messaging Vivi , is it Romeo"asked aria "what"said viola. Viola picks up her phone "well I clearly see that Romeo likes you"said aria "haha funny"said viola . Viola looks who messages her and it is cooper from Instagram "who is it?"asks aria "cooper"said viola "who?"said aria "maybe the last person to see Celia"said viola "wait what really?"asked aria looking with viola on her phone

C: hey I heard you asked Ethan my phone number , so I texted you insta lol

C: anyway you going to the funfair tonight?

"Oh my god what an stalker"said aria "just know that I asked for his number"said viola "still you do it for a reason he does it for no reason"said aria "what should I answer? "Asked viola . Aria takes violas phone and starts typing

V: Heyy cooper , yeah you seem like a chill dude so yeah that's  why I asked

V: btw on that funfair thing , I am totally going

"Here now let's do our make up"said aria "okay okay"said viola "and turn these off , we enough on them like it is"said aria taking their phones and turning them off

They finally at the fun fair after hours making eachother ready , aria notices Romeo and rivy and waves at them "hiii"said aria "Heyy"said rivy "you look beautiful"said rivy to aria and she starts blushing . Viola looks around her to see if cooper is around "why your looking around"asks Romeo "just for someone"said viola "viola please just let Celia go for one night okay and let's have fun!!"said aria .

Aria takes viola's hand and start running to the break dance

"No I am gonna puke"said viola nodding no "come on is gonna be fun"said aria "okay okay fine"said viola

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"No I am gonna puke"said viola nodding no "come on is gonna be fun"said aria "okay okay fine"said viola. As they stop they go inside a car , Romeo and rivy bring the ticked to them right before a work come to them . They give the ticked to the work "have fun"she said smiling . She closes the bar "now there no turning back"said aria "yeah okayyyy is gonna be fun"said viola unsure

The car start moving slowly and then it goes faster and faster . Viola screams her lungs out and aria laughs so hard she would almost die "ari why did you do this to me!"screamed viola but aria only laughs as answer . It starts to slowdown agian until it stops "never"said viola "HAHAHAH" she died laughing , the worker comes back agian "I thought someone died in here"said the worker while opening the bar "I though that to"said aria . Romeo and rivy start walking to them "I actually thought u died"said Romeo "honestly I thought aria was screaming so loudly"said rivy .

Someone taps on the shoulder of viola , viola turns around to see cooper "hey guys can I join you all"he asked "yeah sure but who are you?"asked aria "cooper Campbell"he said smiling "uhm sure I think"she looks at viola "yea fine"said viola

After a while of riding rides and talking a lot is viola and cooper alone waiting outside of the booster , rivy , aria and Romeo wanted to go in that but viola would never do that in her life "so why did you want my number?"asked cooper "to ask you questions"said viola "about?"asked cooper "Celia Garcia"she said turning to him. His face turns pale "that's the kid that died in that fire right?"he asked "yeah , well while we're waiting here I can ask you something right"said viola , cooper nods slowly "we're you meeting with Celia on the day of the fire?"she asked "no she wasnt even in my house that day"said cooper "what do you mean?"she asks "nothing , we'll she is sometimes at my house"said cooper "why?"she asks confused "because he is a therapist, she was probably seeing him"he said "oh okay" . That sounds believable "can I get your fathers phone number"said viola "why?"he asks . Viola thinks of a excuse and knows the perfect one "he is a therapist right, my mother said I needed one"said viola "sure I think"said cooper . Aria, rivy and Romeo come running to them "this was the amazing ride ever!"said aria yelling "we went so high and wow"said rivy "okay let's go to the other ones "said aria happy "guys i think I'm going home , I'm tired"said viola "what no please"said aria "sorry I am just tired of school bye"said viola waving at her

Celia was seeing coopers father because he is a therapist, why did she needed coopers phone number weird . I need to find out if Celia was there at coopers house that day and maybe if any clues were she might was going

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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