
779 46 33

July 16, 2023

Mingi and Yunho stood in front of a caramel-colored house that was next to a forest.

Yunho's eyes wandered uncertainly over the white garden fence to the door that was right in front of them. Mingi held his hand tightly and stood next to him, smiling. "Don't worry," he said for the third time.

Despite Yunho's worried look, he took a step forward and entered the property. They stopped just before the door. Mingi took a deep breath. Even though there was uncertainty in the air, he couldn't wait to finally see his parents again and introduce them to his favorite person.

Slowly, he raised his hand, then pressed the bell button that shone in the sun. He looked at Yunho, who seemed more than just nervous. Mingi knew what was going through his mind, but he also knew that everything would go well.

Suddenly the door was pulled open and a woman in pyjamas appeared. Her hair was knotted into a bun and a green mask was on her face. Mingi cried out in shock and the woman flinched as well. Her brown eyes wandered to Mingi. There was silence for a few seconds. "Mingi!" she suddenly shouted and Mingi was immediately pulled into the house.

He started to laugh and tried to push away from his mother. "I can't breathe," he coughed, but his mother didn't let go. Only when she saw another figure did she let go of Mingi. "And who are you?" she asked with a beaming smile. Yunho bowed nervously. "My name is Jeong Yunho." Mingi put a hand on Yunho's shoulder. "He's my boyfriend," he said.

Yunho looked at him in surprise, but couldn't respond as he was immediately hugged by Mingi's mother. When she let go of him again, he couldn't believe that she was smiling even wider. She gave Mingi a light punch on the arm. "You never told me you were in a relationship." Mingi looked at her apologetically. "It's been a bit stressful lately," he explained. Mingi's mother turned back to Yunho. "I'm so happy." she giggled. "Come in." she said and pulled Yunho inside.

When they came into the living room, she didn't give them a second. "Honey, come here." she shouted so loudly that Mingi squinted his eyes. Yunho looked around the house, fascinated. Even though the furniture was quite plain, there were so many colorful decorations everywhere that the whole house looked lively and cozy. Mingi saw the look on Yunho's face. "This is my mother's work," he laughed, pointing to the different colored walls and the colorful photo frames hanging everywhere.

A man entered the living room. He was wearing a blue shirt and already had some gray hair. At first he looked a little intimidating, but when he saw his son's face, he smiled and, like Mingi's mother, his smile lit up the whole room. Mingi fell into his arms.

"I've missed you," he murmured. His father gave him a kiss on the forehead. "You didn't even tell me you were coming over," his father laughed and they released their embrace.
"I wanted to introduce you to someone," he said, turning back to Yunho. Excitedly, he reached for Yunho's hand.

Yunho looked nervously at Mingi's father, who looked at their hands in surprise. Then he started to smile, took a step forward and hugged Yunho. "Welcome to the family," he said.

Overwhelmed, Yunho just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened. "You two must be hungry. I'll make you something to eat," Mingi's mother suddenly said and disappeared from the room. Yunho looked incredulously at Mingi, who smiled at him. "I told you they'd support us.", he smiled. Mingi's father nudged Yunho's arm. "Make yourself at home. My wife and I have been waiting so long for the day when Mingi finally brings home the person he loves."

Yunho smiled slightly. He had never met such supportive parents in his life and he could tell from their smiles that they meant everything they said. "Thank you," Yunho said, touched. Mingi's father nodded. "I have to go to work now, but have a nice evening."

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