Leave Me Alone

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Branch: *gets up half naked and looks at the time and sees its 9:00. He gets up and stretches trying to figure out why in the hell he can't sleep. He knows it ain't a full moon or anything. He then remembers that sometimes you can sense when someone else is in the room He looks around but sees no one. He get in front of the mirror and checks himself out* come on body, what's the problem? You need milk? *as soon as he says it he feels two cold rough hands on his waist and his eyes shoot open and reacts by putting his hand right on top of theirs panicing* w-who are you?

??: *whispers in his ear* your firend. *moves the tips of his fingers up his waist making em move a little*

Branch: h-hey stop it! *uses his elbows to push em off and turns around* what are you doing in here? W-who are you?! What is in it for you?

??; *laughs* oh....just a visit mate...

Branch; mate....who...? *before he could think the figure comes up to em and grabs his wrists and pins them to his sides and pins him to the mirror* woe woe, what are you doing?

??; *puts a finger on his lips and hushes em* not so many questions honey.....

Branch: *tugs on his grasp*

??: *kisses his lips*

Branch: *eyes shoot open* mmph! Mmmmph!! Mmmhmmmhh!!!!

??; *tosses em to the floor*

Branch: aaahh!!! *backs up from em*

??: *uses his hair and pins his body down on his floor* now mate, listen very closely. *goes up and gets to his level and lifts his chin up and meets his eyes* you know who I am? You know what I can do? So If i were you....don't piss me off, or....do anything stupid cause oh I will....throw you out the window.

Branch: LET ME GO CREEK!!!! LET GO!!!  *struggles*

Creek: never in a million years.

Branch: look, if you let me go, I won't tell poppy I swear!

Creek: looks like your picking that up from floyd😏

Branch: 😐😐😐

Creek: *picks em up with his hair and holds em in the air*

Branch: woe, uhh...*feels nervous*

Creek; *can see his anxiety and smirks and raises em to the ceiling and pins him to the ceiling*

Branch: *stresses out* PUT ME DOWN!! PLEASE!!! *tears drop from his face*

Creek: what was that mate? I couldn't quite hear you.

Branch: *looks at em not really doing this. Ignoring what he just said* .......no stop....I'm not in for it.

Creek: *drops em and watches hiz body fall to the floor*

Branch: *screams seeing his life lash right before his eyes* AAAAAHHH!!!😱😱😱

Creek: *kicks em*

Branch: *cries curling into a ball*

Creek: *grabs his arm*

Branch: *stands up putting his other hand up ready for impact*

Creek: *raises his hand to hit*

Branch: *whimpers and cowers* no!!!

Creek: *grabs em and throws em across the room*

Branch: aaaahhh!!! *crashes into stuff* ohh~~~~

Creek: *walks up to em with a whip in hand*


Creek: *whips em *

Branch: *screams*

Poppy: *comes in and grabs Creek and whips em* how do you like it fucker? Leave my boyfriend alone!!!

Creek: *screams like a stupid idiot*

Branch: *watches poppy attack creek*

Poppy: *holds him by his hair and raises him up to her* don't make me do something we'll both regret....

Creek: my bad my queen, m-my bad. *raises hands in surrender*

Poppy: *Yeets en out the pod door*

Creek: aaaahhhhh!!!

Branch: * Salutes em goodbye as he Flys out*

Poppy: *comes up to em* oh man, he got you bad? You need to see the doctor?

Branch: yeah, that'll be nice.

Poppy: *picks em up with her strong bones*

They get to doctor boombloom.

Moonbloom: what can I do for you?

Poppy: Well, branch here got attacked by a troll and we wanna know If he's okay.

Moonbloom: right this way. *leads them to a bed*

Poppy: *helps em over and onto the bed*

Moonbloom: *checks em* mhm....uhu....okay.

Branch: *looks at her*

Poppy: Well, is everything alright doc?

Doc: yes, minor Bruce's and cuts but as long as he keeps the bandages on and stays at home and rests he should be okay.

Poppy: *signs of relief* well, that doesn't sound so bad. *smiles at branch*

They get home and poppy helps branch ger all settled at her pod so she could look after em*

Branch: thank you for all of this. If it wasn't for you creek wouldn't of broken me.

Poppy: what all did he do?

Branch: uhhh *thinks so he could remember* he, tossed me across the room, kicked me. Touched me....lifted me up to the ceiling and dropped me. .

Poppy: wow, surprised you didn't break anything.

Branch; at least it was just a bruse.

Poppy; yeah, your lucky.

Branch: *smiles* yeah, I guess I am. Well, thanks for all of this?

Poppy: *no problem snuggles with em*

Okay guys. Hoped you liked it

Love you~


Also there is no entry today. I didn't make one. I might or I might now. I'm doing a rol play with a firend on brozone treating branch like a baby.

Love you~


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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