Chapter Two - Y/n

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Oh, my God. I can't believe it. Not only am I at a Billie Eilish concert, but she's right in front of me looking at me. I can feel my face getting hot as she pushes my phone down and looks into my eyes. I want to look away but I can't. I feel stuck here. But why would I want to look away? The hottest woman ever is looking right at me. It feels like forever that we sit like that, but it's not. It was only like 20 seconds. She finally gets up and starts walking around the stage. I look to my left at my friends, Michael, Gianna, and Liam. 

"What the fuck," I said. None of them said anything. They just went back and enjoyed the show. I rolled my eyes. How is nobody else even bothered by that? Like I mean, I'm freaking out right now. THE Billie Eilish looked right at me. Which I know she's done to other people before but me? I could die peacefully now. 


"God, I can't believe she looked at me. She actually saw me." I said once again in the car on the way back to the hotel.

"Yes, Y/n, we get it. Billie Eilish looked at you, dead in your eyes for like 30 seconds of your life," Liam said.

"Hey, just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean that you should put other people down about things that make them excited," Gianna said and put her arm around me. I smiled. "I saw how you almost died when we pushed your phone down," she said to me. I laughed.

"I didn't know what was happening or what to do," I told her. "Hey, are we almost back to the hotel? I'm really sweaty and I wanna shower and go to bed."

"We'll be there in like two minutes," Michael says. I looked out the window at the city of Los Angeles. I kind of missed being here. We moved when I was twelve. I just turned eighteen two months ago. I never really knew why we moved, just that my parents wanted to move, I guess.


I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains. I tried to pull the covers over my face so I could go back to sleep, but they were pulled off of me. I groaned. "Come on. Get up." Gianna said.

"Two more hours," I mumbled.

"Oh, my God. We're here another three days, and you just wanna sleep the whole time?" She asked.

"I mean, sleep does sound amazing. I don't get much back home," I told her. She laughed.

"Well, that's too bad. You and I are gonna go shopping, find the best restaurants, eat our body weight in every single one of them, and enjoy ourselves while we are here." She listed. 

"This isn't really a vacation. We only came here just to see Billie, which is what we did last night." I said as I sat up because I knew I was not gonna be able to go back to sleep. "Besides, what about the boys?"

"They're already off doing their own thing. We have plenty of time to do stuff all together if we really want to." I just looked at her before I finally decided to get out of bed and get around. I just threw on a hoodie and sweats, brushed my teeth, and then we left.

Walking through the streets of LA really brings back lots of memories. Both good and bad, but that's all in the past, and I'm having a good time with Gia right now. We're sitting in a small coffee shop, and I'm just on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I see a post that Gianna posted from last night and scroll through it. Last night was really fun. I still can't get over how Billie Eilish, THE Billie Eilish looked at me. In the eyes. For what felt like a very long time. She's like my biggest celebrity crush. That really made my life complete. I went back and rewatched the video I was taking when Billie pushed my phone down. I just kept watching it.

"What are you looking at?" I hear Gianna's voice.

"What? Nothing," I tell her.

"Mhm. Do you always just casually smile at your phone for no reason? You have a secret lover I don't know about?" She asked, and that made me laugh.

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