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narrative !

kusuo commented against y/n's lips. the [color]skinned woman was already failing to keep up with a few kisses, her hands moving to cover her face in embarrassment.

the fair skinned man could only grin as he pulled away from her, allowing her to cover her face. "all this whore talk yet you can't keep up with some kissing?" he asked teasingly, "if you can't handle kissing, how are you gonna handle my tongue on your pussy y/n?"

"f-fuck you, it just caught me off guard when you started kissing and grinding— just everything caught me off guard!" y/n breathed out, her eyebrows knitted together as her hands slid off her face. "its a first, seeing you be all... intimate."

"no need to get all whiny." he put his hands up in defense. "you told me eat you out, don't you want me to get intimate with you?" he said teasingly, knowing she'd start to get annoyed with him; and she did, a scowl forming on her face.

before she could reply he pushed her off his lap, her body falling into the pillows behind her. she squealed, her eyes wide as he lifted the oversized tee she wore up above her stomach. "victoria secret panties?" he questioned, tracing over the light pink material guarding her wet core.

"of course you'd know, aiura taught you that huh?" y/n asked as she watched him lower his head, leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach.

"don't know who that is." kusuo mumbled against her skin. his eyes locked onto hers as his fingers slowly tugged her panties down to her ankles. "you're so quick to bring her up, tell me about her. "

"are you serious, you little fucke— hngh.." she couldn't even finish her sentence, being interrupted by the pink haired males tongue gliding between her folds. she just wanted to smack him right there, but she was getting what she wanted so she wasn't gonna complain.

kusuos hands held her thighs open, his head lifting up just enough for him to speak. "you heard me, tell me about her since you love bringing her up so much, matter a fact just talk t'me."

before y/n could protest his head lowered back to its original position, his tongue darting out to lap at her clit. with one hand she reached forward, her fingers tugging on his now slightly overgrown pink hair.

"i hate her, fuck.." she whined, her free hand fidgeting with her necklace. he hummed in response as encouragement for her to keep talking, the vibrations making her squirm. she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent herself from moaning, mostly because she was still irritated with him for his teasing so she didn't wanna give him what he wanted.

did disobeying him help?


kusuo suddenly gave her ass a hard slap, not hard enough to really hurt her— he calculated it of course; it was just enough to gain her attention. "ku, why would you—" she started, but was only cut off with a short, "your week."

"i hung out with— mngh, k-kokomi a lot." she managed to get out. this had to be a form of teasing, making her talk while getting head was like a damn punishment. maybe he just wanted to make sure she was being vocal, or he was just an asshole.

"w-we went to that cafe on campu— hnghh, fuck— oh..!" her back arched off the bed as she felt two of his fingers slip between her wet folds and swiftly insert into her hole. as if it couldn't get any worse, the pace he used to pump his digits into her was making her eyes all teary.

he only hummed between her folds, his tongue flicking against her clit for then switching to sucking softly. even though he was mostly focused on pleasuring her, he noticed her trying to close her thighs on him. it was just an instinct for her since she was squirming so much.

"keep your legs open, hold 'em apart."  kusuo spoke to her telepathically. the thought of how he was speaking to her without lifting his head completely left her mind, the [color]skinned girl only obeying and releasing her grip on his hair to hold her thighs open.

"aw fuckk, nghh.." y/n whined as his pace only increased. a choked out cry escaped her lips as he pressed his tongue flat against her clit and shook his head for a bit before continuing to suck on the sensitive bud. her legs were beginning to tremble from the feeling, her walls squeezing around his fingers as well.

his fingers curled up inside her, brushing up against a gummy spot that made her squirm even more. "s'close, ku 'm gonna cum, ah..!" she whined, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

and he just ignored her, lapping and sucking on her clit while his fingers pumped in and out of her vigorously. he knew once she was grinding and whimpering desperately that she was almost there, the way her pussy pulsed around his fingers indicated it too.

y/n's eyes slightly rolled back as her orgasm hit her, her hips bucking against his fingers and tongue as she rode out her high. "mmm, baby— ah.." she whimpered as her hips slowly began to still, her eyes barely able to stay open as she caught a glimpse of him lifting his head and felt his fingers slip out of her.

kusuo casually licked his digits, his eyes scanning over her state. he could tell she was quite literally about to be knocked out, a smirk forming on his face as he pulled her panties up and tugged her shirt down. "was i mean? 'm sorry." he said in a surprisingly soft tone before leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"yeahh, but it's sexy." she cheesed. her arms quickly wrapped around him, his head ending up buried into her chest. he didn't mind at all either, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"better be."

"fuck up."

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