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Eddie's POV

Today was the first day of my freshman and high school career. I sat in my bed for about 20 minutes before my alarm went off.

"First day of high school, goal of the day... don't get killed. That sounds easy enough." I said, but really it wasn't for a small boy in a stupid town with the name of Derry. Enough lollygagging I thought. So, I jumped in the shower, changed into tan khaki shorts and a light blue polo. Then I put on my fanny pack stuffed my pills, tissues, and inhaler neatly into it. I was combing my hair when all the sudden

"Eddie Bear, your friend Ben is here to pick you up!" my mom shouted from downstairs. Oh shoot! I completely forgot Ben and Richie were going to ride their bikes with me to school. I ran quickly out of the bathroom and down the stairs. "Bye mama!" I yelled.

"Eddie Bear, aren't you forgetting something?" she said, "Oh right!" I replied. I quickly gave her a small kiss on the cheek "I love you, Mama! Bye see you later." I ran out the door and down my driveway only to see just Ben. I mean don't get me wrong I love ben, but I was kind of hoping for one of Richie's jokes about how fat my mom is or something.

"Hi Eddie. Sadly, Richie couldn't make it he said that he had some business to talk about with the principal." Ben said with a small smile on his face. "Oh, that's too bad. Hope he isn't in any big trouble" I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Yea" ben replied, 'well we better get going or we might be late to meet up with the loser's club. OH, shoot I forgot we were supposed to meet up. I missed seeing the losers club. I missed the way Bev's hair was so ginger, I missed bill's stuttering, I missed mikes bravery, I missed stans sarcasm, I missed bens absurd knowledge about random topics. And most of all I missed Richie, I missed everything about Richie, his glasses, horrible clothing choices, random jokes that no one laughed at. I just couldn't wait to see my best friend.

We rode to the school in the august sun of Derry. When we got there we immediately spotted them, the infamous Losers Club.

We all talked about the adventures we had during the summer. Mike went to Massachusetts to sell meat. Bill went to the dentist and got braces. Beverly went to some hippie festival where she all informed us, she was a vegetarian now. Ben went exploring some weird ghost house that his grandma died in that's supposedly haunted. Stan told them of a Jewish camp he went to. I told them about the only exiting thing I did all summer, pink eye. We soon ran out of stuff to talk about then Beverly said "So elephant in the room! Where is Rich?" Ben quickly replied, "He said he had something to do in the office." We all looked down and they all sighed. Bill stuttered, " I thought I-I-It Got to R-R-Richi-i-ie for a second th-e-e-re.

The school bell broke the silence. We all went to our separate classes I sighed. "I hope Richie isn't in BIG trouble or ill kill him" I thought. the bell rang my freshmen year was officially starting.

authors note ( sorry its so short but pls share this story with anyone you know! also pls give me tips cuz i rlly new at this!! but hope you like it!)

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