
45 3 17


september 23rd 2023


Emma had been completely avoiding hanging out with her friends for the better part of the past two weeks. None took offense to the reclusiveness that was happening, knowing that they couldn't magically take away the hurt that their friend was feeling.

She knew her friends wanted her to discuss the breakup, but how could she when she barely knew how she was feeling? Anger, sadness, and longing danced their way through her body on a daily basis one emotion never lasting long before another took over.

Emma had crossed out another line that she had written down as she groaned and put her head atop the journal that had pages upon pages missing.

"Get ready!" Emilie yelled as she walked into her and Emma's shared dorm, causing the brunette's head to shoot up at the loud exclamation.

Emma turned around in her seat at her desk to look at Emilie confused, "Where are we going?"

"Your brother and the triplets have a gig tonight, and you're going whether you like it or not," Emilie pointed her finger at the girl who was about to protest, "Nope you've basically been here or in class the past two weeks. You need socialization and fun, and luckily the gig is both."

"How is it fun if I don't like them?"

"You're just saying that because of Matt, you know you like them."

"I'd like them a lot better if Matthew wasn't there," Emma spoke as she got up from her desk toward the dark-haired girl stifling through their shared closet.

"You know you like annoying him almost as much as he likes annoying you," Emilie said as she plucked different tops and pants, handing them to the brunette, "Also, please make fun of him tonight. He's been complaining that you haven't been fun to annoy lately because you ignore him."

"He's such an idiot," Emma sighed, running her free hand through her hair, "I ignore him because nine times outta ten we're in the middle of class, and I'd like to not fail."

"Well, he's mad that you won't fight back."

"Sucks to be him."


"How much do I have to pay you to let me stay here and not go?" Emma asked as her bandmates and Emilie loaded themselves into her car.

"You don't have that much now get in," Lucas said from the open window of the driver's seat as he pointed the girl to the back seat.

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