Grading Papers

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It all starts in ELA when Natalia walked in very hungry since it was her class before lunch. she slumped down in her chair sighing as she realized she couldn't be big backed and ask anyone for a snack. then suddenly her eyes lit up as she saw Sam entering in the door way. as he ran his hands thru his long hair, she wondered to herself 'why am i feeling this way? its just Sam, i mean hes only like the man of my dreams!' Soon she snapped out of her daze as Mr T started to explain what they will be doing in the ELA class. She got nervous as she heard him say they will have there creative projects be graded by the person sitting next to them. She looked over and her and sam locked eyes and gazed his into beautiful brown orbs. Mr T walked around handing out the grading rubrics and as they both reached for one there hands met. 'its just like a scene from a movie' Natalia thought while she blushes and quickly pulls her hand away. she grabs a rubric and writes her and sams name down on the paper. she giggled as they handed off projects, there hands caressing each others again. She looks over at what sam is doing and sees that hes writing a silly little tennis reference on the paper. she chuckled to herself and went back to grading his project. 'holy shit. why is this really good?! not only is he the man ive been waiting for but hes also smart!!' natalia thought to herself as she kept going over his project. Soon they hand each others project back to each other and the class ends. She goes to say hi to maggie but sees that bashar is already talking to her about something random. she leans in and hears bashar say "shes not a little girl anymore, shes an elegant lady now." maggie cringes and wants to start breaking her alpha out but she has to keep it under control. Soon bashar sees his boyfriend and skips away zestly while slapping his mans ass and slobbering on his lips. maggie wants to bust out crying but sees her friend, quinn start mewwing. she cant help but giggle as quinn starts talking about something that happened on the twitter timeline. soon maggie gets distracted as she sees the most handsomest man shes ever seen. 'is that jacob.. AWOOGAA' maggie thought to herself as she walks off into the backroom of their class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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